Guilty as Charged!

In the soulwinning business, there will always be people who will say, "I haven't done anything wrong, I am a good person." and other similar type of nonsense. However what does the Bible have to say? Romans 3:19 says, "Now we know that what things soever the Law saith, it saith to them who are under the Law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.". Then maybe one can say, "Wait, what the?". Then it's TIME to examine the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17).
Pastor Ray Comfort's evangelization method of using the Ten Commandments isn't flawed- in fact, people need to see they are wretched sinners before they are told about salvation by faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ. One must realized that the God that sends lost sinners to Hell is a mighty good one like a good judge punishes criminals, a good God does not condone sin and it is His goodness that condemns the sinner.
First commandment- I am the LORD your God and you shall have NO other gods beside Me
- The God of the Bible is Jehovah God. Every other god is NOT god. Allah is not God. Baal is not God. Buddha is not God. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and is God. The Holy Spirit is God.
Second commandment- You shall make no graven image for worship
- People these days carve their own god, their own image. They say they do not pray to the image but to the one portrayed. These images are also the Sto. Nino, Black Nazarene, the Catholic "Jesus"- trying to portray God but God CANNOT be portrayed!
- Have you also imagined your own god then you are likewise just as guilty!
Third commandment- Using God's name in vain
- Many people think it's okay to use "Jesus Christ" as an expression but Jesus Christ being God the Son and GOD ALMIGHTY would make it inappropriate. Many people suddenly say, "Oh my God." out of despair, not crying out to God for help but using God as a swear word.
Fourth commandment- Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy
- Like it or not, people have turned Sunday from a day of worship to a day of lasciviousness. Note that Saturday is NO LONGER the day of worship.
Fifth commandment- Honor your father and your mother
- If your parents had to spank you, it's because you dishonored them. Dishonor comes when parents are not being obeyed, answered back and honestly, we could not see anyone not guilty of this!
Sixth commandment- You shall not murder
- Matthew 5:21-22 and 1 John 3:15 declares anybody guilty of hating anybody to be already as bad as taking away their lives!
Seventh commandment- You shall not steal
- Stealing will always be stealing even if it wasn't a bank robbery.
Eighth commandment- You shall not commit adultery
- Adultery is not only limited to physical adultery. Jesus warned in Matthew 5:28 that whosoever looks at a woman with lust is already an adulterer!
Ninth commandment- You shall not bear false witness
- Like it or not, Romans 3:4 calls ALL MEN LIARS. People end up making up stories about others when they are angry, tell lies to escape punishment and the list can go on. By the way homosexuality is also bearing false witness against one's neighbor by lying to them of being the opposite sex or the third/fourth sex when there is NO such thing!
Tenth commandment- You shall not covet.
- Have you desired anything that is NOT yours?
Some people can say, "Well I keep X out of ten commandments so God will accept me right?". WRONG! James 2:10 says, "For whosoever shall keep the whole Law and yet offend at one point, He is guilty of all.". 1 John 1:18 says, "For if we say we have no sin then the truth is not in us.". True. How very true. And should I mention that alcoholism actually causes people to SIN? Hmm... I wonder what more excuses do people have not to plead guilty before God?
And sadly many people still continue to REJECT what God has to offer- the BAIL which is through the blood of Jesus which was shed for the forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:12-22) and still TRAMPLE it by rejecting it (Hebrews 10:29). Just as said, Galatians 2:21 is still right in saying, "For I do not frustrate the grace of God for if salvation come by the Law then Christ is dead in vain.". In truth, the Law shows us our sin, not save us from sin as Romans 3:20 says, "Therefore by the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the Law is the knowledge of sin." which says by the examination of the Law, NOBODY is innocent. All are guilty! Instead it is the Law of God that works this way as Galatians 3:24 says, "Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster [to bring us] unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.". It is a hammer that smashes our self-righteousness, a whip that drives us to the cross because our standards will always fall short.
By the way works salvationist, we really triple dog dare you to show us you have not sinned whether it's to death or not unto death before you start berating us!