Antinomianism is Heresy
The whole issue is this there is the creeping heresy of Antinomianism. This is the outrageous heresy that converts the grace of God into nothing more than a license to sin. The first and common objection to this is nothing more than the issue of separating Jesus from His Lordship. Oh no, that is so totally false. As said, Jesus warned in Matthew 7:18 that you will know a real Christian by their fruits. The heresy of Antinomianism however also teaches this that Christians because they saved by grace can sin all they please. What the? That is just plain crazy. Here are some statements that are totally bizarre and casts a huge shadow of doubt whether or not the persons who said these are truly Christians:
- "Can a homosexual continue being a homosexual after being saved? The answer is yes."
- "Just believe once and you are forever saved even if you don't believe afterwards."
- "I can kill twenty children in an elementary school and still be saved."
- "I could care less how I live because Jesus is my Savior and not my Lord."
So why do these statements deserve to be cast in the shadow of doubt? As said, while a change of lifestyle is NOT a requirement for salvation but salvation changes one's lifestyle. If you read the whole Book of Acts with clearer eyeballs, the blood of Jesus so powerful it will change your view, people were living for the better. Did the doctrine of salvation by faith alone in Jesus promote sin? No. Jesus in fact warned in John 3:20 that people will reject the Gospel because they love darkness. The sin loving person is aware of this that when people convert to true Christianity, it means they lose the pleasure to sin and gain pleasure to the righteousness of God that results to a life of real good works. Some sin lovers do good works only for show while true Christians do good works out of God's grace. Also with the doubtful statements above, it could also be stated by works salvationists who are pretending to be faith salvationists as a means to make fun of those who believe that salvation cannot be earned by any form of work.
Here's the reality- people who are not willing to turn from sin are going to reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior no doubt. So now just imagine this kind of conversation can go on. A sinner says, "I am not sure if I want to give up on sinning, I'm not ready to give up disco." then a Christian says, "Oh no! No! Don't worry about that! You can sin all you want after you're saved." Now that is total trash. Why? As said, how can a true Christian who is saved by the grace of God (Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:11-15, Hebrews 9:13) ever continue to live in sin and disgrace if God's grace is now present? God's grace, God's work, God's righteousness are in the life of the believer resulting them to never completely fall away but rather to endure to the end. If God says what He's started in the believer He will definitely finish it making it certain no Christian can live as wickedly as the rest of the world. There may be Christians who won't give their all like Samson, Lot and Solomon but you don't read them being as sinful as the rest of the world. Solomon in fact felt bad about his backslid state much later in his life if one reads the Book of Ecclesiastes.
In the documentary "True and False Conversions", Pastor Ray Comfort had also given the warning of the evidences of true conversion. Pastor Paul Washer also warned that the only genuine evidence of conversion is the change in life, no matter how slow it may be it is taking place and not in just "one moment in my life I prayed a prayer". Reading to how Scripture is used by these two, they are very right about true and false conversions because as said, evidence will take place. If one just relied on "just pray a prayer" (many of them happen to be repeat after me), the person is trusting the sinner's prayer and NOT the Lord Jesus Christ. There's a difference. If a sinner's prayer actually did happen to a true convert, it was because of confidence that Jesus can save the person, repentant, fed up with sin that they want a new life and knowing only by being saved by faith alone in Jesus they get to their knees and not just merely reciting a few words like in many crusades today. They are merely saying the sinner's prayer and the worse part is, they have NOT even preached the Gospel of Christ as it should be preached.
As said, if Jesus is not the Lord and Master of the person, then He was NEVER their Savior to begin with. When Jesus became the Savior of the person, He also became their Lord and Master of their lives. Obedience comes because Jesus is ALREADY the Lord and Master of the life of the believer, not in order to make Jesus the Lord and Master of the life of the believer. As said eternal security should never be presented as just simply once saved, always saved but rather it can be shown that a true Christian will endure to the end regardless because Jesus was clear that He will not leave them or even forsake them. If Christ is with them all the time, they will endure the trials though they grumble for today, yet Christ changes their outlook and not by their own effort. Again, it's God's grace that makes the believer persevere to the very end.