Can A Truly Saved Christian Sin All They Please? NOT A CHANCE According to Scriptures!

Some people argue that when a preacher says that Christians can no longer live the way they want, it's equals to works salvation.  However that argument is hardly anything but agreeable with Scripture nor is it works salvation to teach that Christians can no longer sin all they want.  Another mind-blowing accusation I also hear is the extreme opposite that the doctrine of salvation that cannot be lost means, that a person can think they sin all they please and still go to Heaven.  However quite contrary, anybody who is truly saved will have the gift of the perseverance of the saints which Pastor Paul David Washer elaborates as that true Christians CANNOT fall away for good and rather will endure to the end.  In fact, salvation brings a CHANGED LIFE!  There are MANY reasons why Scripture dictates that Christians CANNOT live the way they want to live even if they have eternal security or they may stumble into sin because Christians do not become sinless but they DO SIN LESS:

1.) God changes the heart of the believer from the stony heart to a soft heart

Ezekiel 26:25-27 talks about how God changes lives.  He does more than save the person, He imputes that righteousness into the person He saves.  He takes away the sinful heart of stone, giving it a heart of muscles, He places into the new man the desire to follow God, the longing to obey God and He has changed the life of that person.  When the heart of evil is given a heart of muscles, one that is a heart of love over the bitter heart of stone, expect a huge change.  That's what God does when a person repents of their stony hearts- He cleanses the person AND the Holy Spirit is in them!  If that is the case, the person with God's precepts CANNOT sin all the want.

2.) And such were some of you... God changes the lifestyles of those He saves

1 Corinthians 6:11 describes the changed man from being unworthy to inherit God's Kingdom (cf. Romans 3:10-19).  Verses 9-10 talk the HARSH reality of what the unsaved are- unworthy to inherit the Kingdom of God.  Homosexuals, habitual adulterers, habitual drunkards, thievery for livelihood, etc. and all the sinful lifestyles show how RIGHT Romans 3:10-19 is about man.  And yet it was through God's own grace that after salvation, homosexuals could no longer live as homosexuals and drunkards stop being drunkards because of God's sanctification process.  I frequently like to use 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 to show man just HOW sinful they are before the eyes of a holy righteous God and to convict such people that they are wrong!

3.) Created unto good works by God's grace

Ephesians 2:10 is clear that God saves the person to SERVE not to sin.  Titus 2:11-15 show what true grace is and it's irresistible which according to Calvinism, a Christian CANNOT resist the grace of God no matter how slow the change may be.  No true Christian will ever for even once think they can sin all they want and still be Christians.  Is that works salvation and conditional security?  NO!  Again if God's grace saves the person, God's grace ALSO teaches the person to be morally upright in a world gone wrong.  

4.) God works in the believer 

Philippians 2:13 is clear that it is God's work and NOT man's work that causes good works.  Man in his own self is but a sinful depraved creature.  When God saves the person, He works in the person.  Philippians 2:12 is the test of true Christianity- work OUT your own salvation.  True salvation works itself out!  Romans 4:5 also shares the truth that it is not man's work but God's work that results to a man's righteous works.

5.) Not man's own righteousness but God's

Philippians 3:9 has Paul declaring none of his good works merit anything for Heaven but rather, it was God's righteousness that caused him to do good works.  There is no single passage in the Bible that says Christians must do their good works to keep their salvation, otherwise it'd be works salvation.  Instead, they fear God, they obey God, they love God and continue to LIVE HOLY because it is God's righteousness that's in them!  If God's righteousness were imputed into man and yet man has not the slightest change, God would be a liar if that were the case.  But no, God CANNOT LIE!

6.) God chastises the backsliding believer 

Hebrews 12:5-6 teach the truth that God will NOT let those who are His live all they please.  He chastises the believer because they will still sin thus dismissing the heresy of sinless perfection.  God's chastisement brings the Christian straight from waywardness back to Him.  He does it out of love for them because He wants them to be productive in their Christian lives.  Many pretend to be Christians and don't get chastisement because they are NOT of God to start with!  Backsliders are NOT apostates!  Perfection for the believer is NOT instantaneous but a daily process of sanctification, which is a fruit of being saved.  As said, God is too loving to allow His children to live lives that will only bring harm to them!  If they were not His children, He would not chastise them.  Again not everybody is a child of God!

7.) Every branch that is not bearing fruit is cast out, that is CERTAINLY NOT the Christian

John 15:6 warns of those false branches.  Listen they are NOT by any means true believers.  I have heard this can mean one can lose salvation but not if you check it out clearly.  True faith in Christ abides continuously, false professors just have one false moment of faith and they return to their sinfulness and self-righteousness.  Seriously I've seen some people get out from a false religion (ex. Roman Catholicism), make a false profession in a Christian congregation then they join a rival cult o0f their first faith that seems to be Christian but it is NOT (ex. Ang Dating Daan) from where they came from.  That is NOT genuine conversion by any means.  Such people will be cast out into the fire because they are NOT saved to begin with.  Who gets cast into Hell?  Christians?  No.  Only those fake believers whose "good works" were but for self-glorification and who while teaching works salvation LIVE LIKE DEVILS!!!!

8.) No Christian can depart from the flock

No true Christian can ever depart from the flock.  Judas Iscariot was no Christian as Jesus was still praying for the salvation of that man (John 17:12).  1 John 2:19 is clear that many of the so-called believers who left the flock were NOT Christians to start with.  Would have they been Christians they would have remained in the fellowship and in faith in Christ, but instead their departure from the assembly proved that they were fakes.  Let a pastor preach a real hard message and every false convert will leave. Real hard preaching drives away the slickest wolves!  In fact, eternal security is not just a matter of once saved, always saved as it is evidenced by a Christian's decision to rather die for Christ than deny one's faith.

So all that can be said is ENOUGH of accusing those who teach salvation by faith alone to be promoting a license to sin because MANY who teach works salvation don't even practice what they preach!