Satan's OTHER Deadly Substitute for the Reformation Aside from Halloween: Martin Luther King Jr.
Okay I would like to say that we are not going to keep expose false preachers one by one or keep singling them out, most of them single themselves out. However I feel the need to talk a little bit about the FRAUD that the late Martin Luther King was, that he was a Jesuit operative (then again, Jesuit operatives don't need to be singled out, they EXPOSE THEMSELVES by their works and their doctrine of ecumenism). Unlike the late Martin Luther who was uncompromising, this man Martin Luther King is definitely Satan's deadly substitute for Martin Luther. Now this is a modern day counter-reformation and he DOES NOT even deserve the name Martin Luther.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a good friend with big time Pope praiser "Baptist preacher" Billy Graham. Graham during his tenure as a so-called revivalist with tent meetings also had several dealings with some Popes. Both are Jesuit agents who are posing as Baptist preachers which can be evidenced by their OPEN dealings with the Vatican as seen below... both are also Freemasons of 33rd degree.
Both Martin Luther King with the late Pope Paul VI and we have Billy Graham with the late Pope John Paul II. That's quite some evidence that they are in league with the Vatican as they back it up with their own words and action. Sadly if Martin Luther King Jr. did not repent, he would be sadly burning in Hell right now. There is NO WAY that a preacher like Charles Spurgeon or Martin Luther would ever get themselves caught in those kinds of pictures! The fact alone that Billy Graham gives obeisance to the Pope makes me think I don't need to tell preachers something is very wrong.
I do not mean to be unkind but the truth needs to be known. In fact, while his speech "I Have a Dream" does fight for non-violence and civil rights for blacks, sadly he had also denied the fact that Roman Catholics and born again Christians CANNOT walk together when it comes to doctrine (Amos 3:3). All that can be done now is just to continue praying for the salvation of several lost Roman Catholics out there still stuck in their legalistic, works salvation system with their Pharisees and continue preaching while even if it means paying for the high cost for following Jesus like the Apostles and the Reformers.