Other Buddhist Doctrines That Prove Its Incompatibility to Christianity

While Buddhist philosophy has some words of wisdom, outreach projects, the teaching of living harmony with others which are admirable to the human eye but these teachings show how incompatible Buddhism is with true Christianity:

1.) The Buddhist doctrine of self-reliance teaches that when the Buddha was meditating to gain enlightenment, no gods came to reveal any hidden secrets.

The Buddha said in his teachings, "I have never had any teacher or divinity to teach me or tell me how to gain enlightenment. I achieved supreme wisdom by my own effort, energy, knowledge and purity." This is none other than the dangerous heresy of self-reliance.

What does the Bible say? Quite different. The prophets didn't get it by themselves as fallen human beings in need for redemption. Buddhism apparently teaches that the gods are indifferent. Psalm 118:8-9 declares it is better to trust in God than put confidence in man. Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and LEAN NOT UNTO THINE OWN UNDERSTANDING. In all thy ways ACKNOWLEDGE Him and He shall direct thy paths." The world is into so much error today thanks to the doctrine of self-reliance.

1 Timothy 3:7 even says, "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." Sure the Buddhist may discover a few wise advice or proverbs but are they really sure of the validity? If self-reliance is all it takes than reliance on God, something is wrong. Man should learn to be independent from others yet dependent on God for directions as he does God's will.

What is also rooted in self-reliance is trying to achieve one's own righteousness while ignorant of God's righteousness (Romans 10:3) or the truth that NOBODY is righteous (Romans 3:10-23). This is the dangers of works salvation. Ephesians 2:8-10 describes the Christian good works vs. the good works of fallen man- that is the distinction is that for the Christian, salvation is definitely not of themselves so nobody can boast. Buddhists usually spend time broadcasting and trumpeting their charities which Jesus condemned (Matthew 6:2-3) and brag about it, Christians are discouraged from making a name out of themselves for good works but rather in Matthew 5:16 saying, "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."- that is to God be the glory. Buddhism ultimately falls because of self-salvation and in the long run, self-glorification with his, "I am sure to enter Nirvana because I've spent my life doing good works." rather than "My good works are only because Christ has saved me." from the Christian.

What is pretty frightening is this on Judgment Day. Buddhists will also be among the crowd to even say they've done many good works in the name of God. Buddhists while they do not mock Jesus directly but they do mock Him when they merely revere Him as another human, another enlightened human being rather than the only begotten Son of God. There is a DIFFERENCE there.

2.) Buddhism teaches itself as the only religion that encourages not just the ceasing of all evil and the doing of all good - it also teaches the purification of one's mind which is the root of all good and evil, the cause of both suffering and true happiness? I do appreciate Buddhists try their best to do what is good but I cannot swallow that outright lie.

So Christianity as a religion doesn't teach it? What about the fact that Jesus required filthy thoughts be removed? Matthew 5:21-29, Jesus has the mind guarded against evil thoughts. The Apostle Paul the greatest propagator of Christianity of his time also wrote in 2 Corinthians 10:5 saying, "Casting down IMAGINATIONS and EVERY HIGH THING that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;". Now how can the Buddhist explain that? Christianity has also taught mind purification in this way in Joshua 1:8, "This Book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt MEDITATE therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success." and Psalm 1:2, 63:6, 77:12, 119:15, 119:23, 119:48, 119:78, 119:148, 143:5, and 1 Timothy 4:15 encourage meditation to the Word of God to purify one's mind.

3.) Idolatry and superstition.

The Buddhist would say to bow down to the image of Buddha is not to worship the image but Buddha himself who is portrayed as well as their other gods and saints like their equivalent to the Queen of Heaven - Kuan Yin as the goddess of mercy. Exodus 20:4-5 which is frequently left out of the official catechism of Rome but still found in the Good News Translation of the Bible is clear that there will be no graven images for worship and calls them as idols. The Buddhist plays around with the words venerate, listen worship is the very act of veneration. In fact 1 Thessalonians 1:9 says, "For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; and to wait for His Son from Heaven whom He raised from the dead even Jesus which delivered us from wrath to come."

4.) Bloodless atonement.

Buddhism has also attacked Christianity because of animals sacrifices in the Old Testament. Christianity teaches that the purpose of the Old Testament sacrifices are needed for remission (Hebrews 9:22). This would actually deny the direct truth in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death and the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. Jesus in fact in Hebrews 9:12-14 shows the END of all the animal sacrifices in favor of His once and for all offering (Hebrews 10:12) to wash away sin, purge the conscience from dead works to the true service of the living God. Buddha denounced the animal sacrifices as cruel. God required them because of sin otherwise man would have to be the one sacrificed. Without blood atonement as clear, there is NO FORGIVENESS. Thank God for His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ whose sacrifice was final, ended ALL animal sacrifices and made salvation accessible to all who will repent ye and believe in Him!

5.) Buddhism teaches that no sin cannot be forgiven.

Christianity warns of the unpardonable sin. Matthew 12:31 says, "Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world, neither in the world to come." Christ warned of the unpardonable sin to which happens this way- when a man dies rejecting Christ, that sin cannot be pardoned. True Jesus taught that any sin done against man is forgivable but any sin done against the Holy Spirit is unpardonable. It's the death of the unsaved man!

6.) Reincarnation.

The Buddhist believes that their words and deeds will eventually cause them to be reincarnated. Any claims of people seeing their past lives is simple demonic possession. The doctrine of reincarnation teaches that when a person dies, the soul transmigrates from the body and in the next life, become another form depending on one's works. If one was a good person, they become a ruler in the next life and if one was bad, they may become an animal or even a plant. However Hebrews 9:27 is clear, "For as it is appointed unto man ONCE to die but after this the judgment."

7.) Ecumenism follows with Buddha's doctrine of no stubborn exclusivity.

According to Buddha if any religion teaches the four noble truths and the noble eightfold path that is as follows, it can be regarded immediately as proper religion. Four noble truths are first- life is full of dissatisfaction, two- dissatisfiaction is caused by greed, aversion, ignorance and lust, three- life can be without dissatisfaction and four- suffering ends when harmony is reached. The eightfold path teaches right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration, right understanding and right thought. Nothing wrong with those actions BUT what are your motives behind practicing the right way of life? If to Buddha that if any religion teaches those stuff, then it is immediately proper religion. Is it any wonder why the Dalai Llama has embraced the Pope? There are even some Jesuit priests and their best coadjutors who openly admit they have embraced Buddhism as another way. So to Buddha, Christianity can be embraced into Buddhism? Absolutely not. I may sound like a fanatic and a terrorist but I cannot conform the motives behind good works in Buddhism vs. to that of me performing good works only because I want to please my Lord Jesus Christ.

No doubt Buddha did a lot of good works like helping the poor, he taught others to do the same, he gave sound advice when it came to gaining discernment but sadly the Bible says in Isaiah 64:6, "But we are as an unclean thing and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away." And Buddha sadly did not get the full message of goodness. Buddhists rely on their good works rather than God's grace through the Lord Jesus Christ to enter Heaven. No matter how much man tries to work his way, he has been cut short of God's glory. Adam and Eve didn't need to murder to be cast out of Eden, they only needed to disobey the command not to eat of the tree of knowledge. James 2:10-11 says you cannot keep the whole Law. God's holiness requires absolute perfection which Buddha did not reach nor will anybody reach. Forgiveness is based on mercy, not justice though it does not negate justice.

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