Rick Warren's Disturbing Tweet

I got this picture courtesy of Bro. Zigfred Diaz, I don't know whether or not this is authentic or just modified but I am pretty disturbed by this one where Rick Warren is obviously revealed to be a Jesuit agent by his own actions, I don't need to keep revealing who are working with the Jesuit Order, they expose themselves but this is sort of a warning of apostasy and there are many more like him to come. I used to respect Rick Warren UNTIL I read the contents of Purpose Driven Life, a book that's so adored by Roman Catholicism as harmonious between Evangelical and Roman Catholic beliefs especially when I found out that he adores Mother Theresa. There's something very wrong when one uses Mother Theresa as an example of Christian faith. 

He is not a Baptist, he is a Roman Baptholic like Billy Graham and the late Martin Luther King Jr.. They are all Jesuit agents by their own actions and admissions! And now Rick Warren sends that Tweet above saying, "Join me today in fasting and prayer for the 115 Cardinals seeking God's Will in a new leader." That is HORRENDOUS BLASPHEMY, APOSTASY and ECUMENISM. What I can say is how can those 115 Cardinals be seeking God's Will when they are are not saved to start with and just a bunch of Pharisees? Clearly Rick Warren in being bed with Rome proves he's a Jesuit agent of sorts, today Jesuit agents are far more open but I won't waste my time too much on the Jesuit Order either!

All I can do now is to pray for Rick Warren's salvation, not a prayer of imprecation against him!