How "Tolerant" Are Atheists As They Claim To Be Anyway?

Atheists have the habit of accusing Christians and their God of intolerance.  Every time I try to mention the matter of God, I don't always get their stand that He doesn't exist.  At times, they would admit that God exists and says stuff like, "I'd rather be separated from God forever in eternity than a God who is intolerant.  He destroyed the whole planet with water and He burned down two cities for their homosexual lifestyle.  If God is love, He should have tolerated homosexuality.  We atheists are the most tolerant people."

On the contrary, many atheists are pretty much intolerant.  In contrary to the Hollywood film "Inherit the Wind", the whole film is "Inherently Wind".  The Scopes Monkey trial was nothing more than a setup to make Christians look like they are bigots and homophobic people.  The whole movie was a sham.  Atheists want to play the victim in the situation and show Christians are unscientific fools.  The whole movie was a ploy to get their "sympathy" which only resulted to the atheists getting their stronger stand, getting Creationism banned and only evolution discussed as "fact" rather than give an open minded to talk about Creationism.

This clip (from Wretched) shows a Protestant Christian pastor named Doug Wilson, a Presbyterian pastor who was preaching at Indiana University.  One can see how the atheist students show just how intolerant they really are.  They interrupted the lecture and started accusing Pastor Wilson of one false accusation or another.  If they were tolerant, they would have listened first then raised their objections.  But how they acted was very intolerant towards the speaker, also lacking a sense of respect because the latter is just a sub-human.  So if they were tolerant, why do they believe in the need to eliminate the weak in favor of the strong?  If they were tolerant, they should have tolerated who they consider weak right?

Perhaps another best example of atheist "tolerance" is Pol Pot to really show how atheism isn't as tolerant as you think.  I do find it amazing how some atheists can hate Christianity, call it a dictatorship or Communism yet some of the worst human rights violators were also atheists.  While I don't deny the existence of the Spanish Inquisition, the Roman Catholic bloody Crusades, ISIS, Al Qaida and other forms of religious extremism yet it is ignored that atheist dictatorships are no better.  The video above discusses about atheist dictator Pol Pot when he was the leader of Cambodia's brutal and godless Khmer Rouge regime.  Was it tolerant?  Watch the video to find out to see the brutal truth.

Remembering Estus Pirkle's sermon "If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do?" he has also evaluated some of the worst atrocities of atheist governments.  What was mentioned is their hatred for God, believing that man is just an animal and anybody who rejects their worldview especially Christians must be exterminated as a favor for society's progress.  He also recorded every last known brutal method to get a person to convert to state atheism.  Again, that doesn't sound like tolerance to me.  

See also: