God Defines Biology, Not The Supreme Court Of America!
It's awkward how people claim to be scientific but hate the One who wrote the laws of science in the first place. Did these atheists know that most of the scientists they are learning from are really Christian scientists? Sad to say but Romans 1:18-32 speaks of the sad truth of man's sinfulness especially when it comes to homosexuality. Just because God uplifted the sentence of stoning homosexuals to death does not mean it has become morally acceptable. Romans 1:22 warns, "Professing to be wives, they became fools." In what way have they become fools? You might want to teach all the stupidity that evolution teaches.
The issue right now is that the U.S. Supreme Court has now passed the law that makes homosexual marriage as legal and okay. The homosexuals have wanted it and no thanks to playing the victim and misrepresenting Christians with the fallacy of division (ex. using Steven Anderson and the late Fred Phelps to represent Christianity) as well as the fallacy of categorical mistake comparing a Christian's anti-homosexual stance to the cruelty of Islam's law against sodomy - they got it! They say, "Oh, you aren't affected personally, why bother?" when they have been such a bunch of cry babies who play the victim like spoiled toddlers. Tell them homosexuality is wrong, they are bound to throw tantrums like a three year old in a candy store. As Pastor Paul David Washer said in one of his many sermons, much of America today is full of onion-skinned crybabies, not men who are upright for God.
Besides, studying biology without acknowledging God is just very stupid. Life is too wonderfully and fantastically complex to come by accident. If you look at the microscope, such a wonderfully fantastically complex cell with all the functions in it, when you try to study the function of each part of the cell - you cannot help but think it's not an accident. Even a single cell has so many parts and the processes of mitosis and meiosis, the process of cellular regeneration, the presence of Adenosine Triphosphate, the very fantastic arrangement of DNA... the more one study science, the more one sees the very hand of God at work and not some random incident that happened for so billions of years ago, with no substantial evidence whatsoever. Going from the single cell to the rest of nature, biology is such a broad subject it has several topics related to it. Why do you think there is zoology, anatomy, pathology and the other branches? It's because God had fantastically designed life and studying life science knowing there's a God does not discourage it but encourages critical thinking.
Teaching the concept of evolution (especially at the atheistic viewpoint) as science really defeats critical thinking. When you ask an evolutionist for proof, they either present very weak proof like a single tooth or skull or to cut a long story short, they resolve to the logical fallacy of false dilemma saying something like, "Either you believe me or you are a very stupid person! Only stupid people would believe in a God and the smart ones know that the Bible is just a book of fables! If you don't believe me, you are not scientific. Do not dare to question me or you are stupid!" What should be amazing is that fools profess themselves to be wise, while the wise ones know they are but fools in need of God's wisdom. They claim to be scientific but evolution is just a bunch of manipulated data, weak evidence and false dilemmas rather than a real scientific school of thought. Today, schools have banned creationism and exchanged it for evolution because it's "scientific" according to the Supreme Court of America.
The issue right now is that the U.S. Supreme Court has now passed the law that makes homosexual marriage as legal and okay. The homosexuals have wanted it and no thanks to playing the victim and misrepresenting Christians with the fallacy of division (ex. using Steven Anderson and the late Fred Phelps to represent Christianity) as well as the fallacy of categorical mistake comparing a Christian's anti-homosexual stance to the cruelty of Islam's law against sodomy - they got it! They say, "Oh, you aren't affected personally, why bother?" when they have been such a bunch of cry babies who play the victim like spoiled toddlers. Tell them homosexuality is wrong, they are bound to throw tantrums like a three year old in a candy store. As Pastor Paul David Washer said in one of his many sermons, much of America today is full of onion-skinned crybabies, not men who are upright for God.
Biology is always based on truth. Evolution has only been declared as "science" because of some stupid majority votes. A vote does not change the truth established. Even if doctors can agree to the lie that a man can get pregnant, it does not change the truth that a man was never designed to get pregnant. DNA will always remain as DNA - even a sex change operation is not sex change - your DNA remains to your gender. A man will always be a man and a woman will always be a woman. Try to play God with the human body and you will see consequences. Sad to say but some people still insist on playing God even if the consequences are so visible. Romans 1:21 says that they know God does exist but they still refuse to acknowledge Him or be thankful, rather they chose their own vain imaginations. The U.S. Supreme Court's redefinition of science is not science at all but man's darkened wicked imaginations, professing to be wise but they became fools.
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