The Arrogant Atheist and Self-Deluded Stupidity!

Look at the picture of the man above with his "I'm an ATHEIST DEBATE ME" black shirt looking so high and mighty with a proud look. They tend to say, "Oh that's Old Testament." even if they also reject the New Testament, they call the Bible a book of fables and anybody who believes in God is a retarded people that deserves to be eradicated from society. Such thinking was what prompted the spread of Atheistic Communism and the likes of Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and Joseph Stalin were indeed merciless killers which made them no better than the Crusades and the Inquisition. Proverbs 6:7 warns that God hates a proud look and Psalm 14:1 says that anybody who says there is no God is indeed a fool.

Why is the atheist a stupid person? If you consider it in Romans 1:18-23 is clear that the atheist really knows God exists but he or she refuses to acknowledge it. They profess to be wise but instead they become fools. I can see their inherent stupidity because most of them refuse to analyze any evidence for creation, they attack the person instead of the argument and they say Christians are a group of losers who cannot even understand science and only they can. Even if they see the evidence in science that God really exists, they refuse to acknowledge God and darken their minds. For them, they are the smartest people on Earth never mind that most scientists who contributed to scientific knowledge were Creationists even if not all of them were Christians.

Some common sense really shows how stupid atheism can be. If they claim to be the most scientific minds on the planet, I really dare them to explain how millions of years of unguided chaos would one day create such fantastically arranged objects in nature without a Guide to guide it. They also say, "Well I won't believe God until I see Him." but they haven't really shown real credible evidence for millions of years of evolution such as real transitional fossils or that they ignore the fact that what you can't see is not necessarily non-existent. Just think science proves the existence of what cannot be seen at all like gravity, force and inertia. After they keep saying there is no God and laugh it off, however you will see them say something like, "Thank God there is no God." or "I hate God because He is taking everything away from me. I can't do what I want because of a killjoy God!"

Many atheists are prone to very immature behavior especially in how they communicate with other people both in oral and in written communication. When I look at Christian videos on Youtube it can be seen how childish the videos of militant atheists are. I've seen some videos that severely ridicule Christian workers like Ray Comfort and Kent Hovind as retards and nutcases. I've seen comments made by atheists that the late D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church calling him a retarded man. Whenever I read atheist forums and their comments, I would view it like a plague or a diseased colony. Looking at how they comment with all the bad words and the "hahahahahaha" you can see that while they think they are very smart they are in fact very stupid.

What is worse while they call themselves having thoughts independent of authority or tradition but in reality they are usually dictated by a famous atheist or a Communist leader. State atheism is where the head of state dictates all matters of faith. North Korea has the Kim dynasty, Maoist China had Maoism, Soviet Russia had Vladimir Lenin then Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge was really all about him as the state god. They say that the Bible is just written by man but they tend to adhere to atheist literature especially by Richard Dawkins as inspired and without error. Maoist atheists tend to view Mao Zedong as a god himself. It's no different than Roman Catholics with their tendency to blindly view the Pope as if he was God Almighty.

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