Two Issues Where Many Roman Catholics Might Be Divided About

When it comes to witnessing to Roman Catholics, I have observed two areas where Roman Catholics might be divided about.  I would like to write this post though there might be more issues that Roman Catholics are currently divided about.  But I want to focus on their stand on those they call Protestants and about other religions.

1.) Roman Catholics may be divided on what to think about people they call as Protestants

When I became a born again Christian, I was soon estranged from a lot of my former peers.  I have observed Roman Catholics who either say, "You Protestants are burn again Christians." while other Roman Catholics say, "Protestants are just our separated brethren."  When it comes to the issues of Roman Catholics who consider the people they call as Protestants to be their separated brethren, they can also get into trouble with Roman Catholics who continue in their stand that Protestants are heretics that must be exterminated no matter what the cause.

2.) Roman Catholics may be divided when it comes to the stand with other religions

The official Roman Catholic teaching was that outside their institution, there is no salvation.  There are some Roman Catholics who say, "The Roman Catholic Church is the one true Church, founded on Peter and the only way to salvation."  Other Roman Catholics say, "No.  Today we are the Vatican II institution and Pope Francis says that all religions lead to the same God."  Though they may all rejoice over the late Theresa of Calcutta's canonization as a Roman Catholic "saint", they may argue over her ecumenical doctrine of that people of other religions may still enter Heaven if they do enough good.


Roman Catholics may quote Pope Leo XIII's statement, "The supreme teacher in the Church is the Roman Pontiff.  Union of minds therefore requires together with a perfect accord in the one faith, complete submission and obedience of will to the Church and to the Roman Pontiff as God Himself.", I have been thinking that they have already contradicted themselves in more than one occasion just as one Pope after the other may oppose each other.

Think of the current stand of the Vatican II about those they call Protestants as well as other religions.  When the late John Paul II held the Day of Pardon Mass making an apology of the Vatican of the past (unearthed) crimes they have done against Protestants calling them as "separated brethren", I would assume some Roman Catholics were probably in disagreement with the Vatican II Popes.  When Pope Francis calls all religions leading to God, I wonder how many Roman Catholics did not agree to the Pontiff?

So much for saying the Roman Catholic institution has never been divided.  This does not look like unity at all to me.