Good News Christian, Christ Helps You Fight Against Your Old Addictions!

There is a difference between a person who is enslaved by sin and who is struggling with sin.  Paul struggled with sin, he was not enslaved to it as written in Romans 7:13-25 which is so used by Antinomians to justify their heresy.  No, Paul was not indulging in sin but he was struggling with it.

The power against sin is not in one's self but it is still the grace of God given to the new convert.  Salvation from sin has never been about one's own effort but instead; it is the grace of God that changes the life of the believer.  Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 3:31 and Titus 2:11-14 teach that God's grace equips the believer unto good works.  Hebrews 9:14 says the blood of Jesus redeems people from their dead works to serve the true and the living God.  Where there is God's grace there is power against sin.  That is the comfort that every newborn believer can take as they grow in grace.  The fact that Christians struggle against sin is a healthy sign.  It is when a professing Christian is enslaved by sin that shows signs one is a false convert.

The certainly of assurance that one is saved is not only one trusts the Lord Jesus looking at His finished work but also the results.  One can see that aside from good works coming out all for the glory of God that there is the presence of chastising.  Hebrews 12:5-7 says that if you are truly of God then you will get chastisement.  A Christian is due for chastising whenever they fall down giving them assurance that they are saved and it results to them doing better.  So if God chastises you, rejoice, because you are certainly going to get better by His grace.

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