The Prosperity Gospel Is Like a Casino

It is indeed hypocritical for somebody to condemn the evils of gambling while being part of the prosperity gospel movement.  Years ago after I got out of Roman Catholicism and trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation, I started supported almost any ministry blindly.  I really was attracted to a certain charismatic pulpit.  It did not preach a God that was all love, it spoke of the coming judgment of God, it really spoke against the evils of the Vatican but it also taught the garbage of the prosperity gospel.  The pastor claimed to be a healing man but in fact, if he could really heal the sick then why does he not go to where the healing is really required?  It was all a sham of a pulpit because of all the fake healing conducted in the name of Jesus. 

The problem of the prosperity gospel movement has always been give me your money and God will increase it.  It has become a combination of typical financial scams with religion.  These movements have violated God's standards not only against stealing, covetousness and lying but they have also taken His Holy Name in vain.  They have been focusing on several sham miracles that even if the pastor may go ahead and preach, "Go and sin no more." but making fake miracles on stage, I really have to say that the prosperity gospel movement either has a direct or indirect approach in using people's donations by giving them false hopes.

I do believe that churches need tithes and offerings to operate.  The problem is not about getting tithes and offerings but how they were collected as the end does not justify the means.  When you give money to the church it should be used for its expenses and soulwinning activities.  On the other hand, prosperity gospel preachers end up having huge mansions, expensive cars and some even go as far as to have a private jet.  Some of them who were aligned with the Vatican went to attend the late John Paul II's funeral riding a private jet.  It is no surprise to learn how these prosperity gospel preachers have also left their members poor.  They are like slot machines where the money just keeps pouring into them and leaving the attendants ripped off their money.

It is also hypocritical that some of them do speak against the Roman Catholic institution and expose the Vatican's activities while ripping off the pulpit.  I do not see the practice of conning people to pay up for masses for the dead any more sinful than the practice of conning people to pay up in exchange for "God's blessing".  Both practices are misusing the name of God for ill profit.  Both Roman Catholicism and the prosperity gospel movement also relies too much on signs and lying wonders.  A "fake healing" crusade is no less sinful than the fraud involved in Roman Catholic healing masses.  Both of them are satanic deceptions that get exposed whenever the Word of God is taken into context.  

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