The Bittersweet Reality in the Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation is what would be best called a good news and bad news scenario. The good news is that God will destroy all evil soon enough. The bad news is that there are friends and relatives who are included because they are not saved. Here is how the Book of Revelation is best described by itself:
The word revelation comes from the Greek word "apokalupsis" (apokaluyiß) which means the disclosure of truth. It is from that Greek word that we get the English word known as apocalypse. To have the apocalypse always meant bringing the end of the world as we know it. The Book of Revelation talks about the end of the world and how it will come to pass.
The first chapter of Revelation presents the glorified Christ. John here was given the Revelation. This very introduction has John who was in Patmos. He was seeing the Lord Jesus Christ no longer in His human form but in His glorified form. The very Jesus that he sat with in the 3.5 years of the ministry was revealed in all His glory. Revelation 1:17 says that John fell flat before this vision of Jesus who was now showing the very things to come. This was the very picture of the Lord Jesus Christ in His glory towards John. The mission of John was to give everyone the message of the Book of Revelation or seldom called the Book of the Apocalypse or the Apocalypse of John. The very vision of the Apocalypse or Revelation is both a wonderful and terrifying thing at the same time.
Revelation chapter two to three now present the seven churches with seven eras. We have Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Each one has a representation. Ephesus represents vigilance. Pergamos represents the syncretism of the Roman empire and a twisted view of Christianity. Thyatira was a church that was practicing the works of Jezebel - which this false prophetess was termed as such just as the Jezebel of old misled people into idolatry. Sardis may represent the dark ages that soon led to the Protestant Reformation. Philadelphia represents brotherly love and perhaps the best church period. After that, we have the church period we are in called the Laodicean church period - this would be an apostate church full of false converts.
Revelation fourth to fifth chapters present the visions of Heaven. John is brought up to see the vision. This is the vision of the things to come and four beasts appear. One was like a lion, another was a calf, the third had the face of a man and the fouth was a flyign eagle. Each one of them had six wings and full of eyes. It's their job to worship God and recite holy thrice as God exists as three Persons - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. Revelation's fifth chapter shows that only one can open the Book. No, it's not Mary nor Peter, not Moses, not David but the Lord Jesus Christ. He is of the Tribe of Judah, the Seed of David (in the flesh) and the Holy Spirit's sevenfold power is made manifest to reveal the horrible things to come.
The sixth chapter of Revelation presents the very start of the destruction. Some people want to argue on who the first horseman is. Personally, I agree with other scholars who think that the first horseman is the Antichrist even when some theologians this is a picture of the Lord Jesus presenting judgment. My reason is because Revelation 19:11 talks of another White Horse Rider. The other three horsemen represent War, Famine and Death. The consequences are as follows. The Antichrist brings false peace. Today, we've got Islam as a possible candidate for the Rider of the Red Horse for this reason - the world today is ravaged by Islamic terrorism and some pastors even believe that Islam may help bring in World War 3. Signs of the times are showing as economies are pretty unstable and there's so much starvation in the world. We also read of the saints who are told to rest. Some say these are the Tribulation saints. Others may say these are the martyrs of all time. Regardless, God is telling them to be patient. Then we see that great disaster is coming and no one can stand it!
The seventh chapter of Revelation calls for the very redeeming of the 144,000 of Israel who are all virgin males. They would serve as the witnesses during the Tribulation. Back then, the church age was all about witnessing and reaching others for Christ. Matthew 24:14 tells us that the Gospel will be preached unto all nations and then shall the end come. These witnesses are probably there to warn the others who were left behind that the Gospel message that they've heard is still applicable. Yet, these will be the times when getting saved means getting martyred. What's interesting is that we read of the tribes of Judah Reuben, Asher, Naphtali, Mannaseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulon, Joseph and Benjamin. I guess Dan and Ephraim were not listed due to the gross idolatries as mentioned in Judges 18 and Isaiah 28:1. Some suggest that Joseph stands for Ephraim. But we see God is in His purpose as the Antichrist will soon take over Israel for himself.
The eighth to eleventh chapters speak of the seven trumpets. This would be an amazing time when people will seek death but they will not find it. We can read how the trumpets are affecting everything during this so-called golden age under the Antichrist. Vegetation, the sea, fresh water, light, there will be the plague of locusts, a plague worth of two hundred thousand horsemen and the seventh trumpet sounds the end of the world. What's even more amazing to think is how two prophets that will mimic Moses and Elijah will appear. They will be given authority to prophesy until God wills it that they will be overcome by the Antichrist. Their deaths will cause this wicked world to celebrate without knowing that God is about to destroy it.
The twelfth chapter of Revelation doesn't talk about the blessed Mary the earthly mother of Jesus. This woman isn't the New Testament Church either. Rather, this woman is most likely Israel as the very vision of the sun, the moon and twelve stars. Do you remember Joseph's dream in Genesis 37:9? It was the very representation of Israel. Now, we have Satan who is figuratively represented as a dragon. The word dragon in the Bible doesn't refer to the mythical, fire-breathing creature. Rather, the word dragon or drakon means serpent according to Strong's Condordance. Satan did everything to stop Israel from bringing forth the Messiah but she did anyway. Mary the earthly mother of Jesus could have miscarried her Lord and Savior would have it not been for the divine providence of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. War is fought in Heaven as Satan himself will soon have his short time. Right now, he really knows his time is almost up and he will do everything to take as many people to be with him in the Lake of Fire.
The thirteenth chapter talks about the rise of two figures. Some may refer to the Beast as the political Antichrist and the False Prophet as the religious Antichrist. Yet, the title Antichrist was given in 1 John 2:18 to only one person. No, the Antichrist is not a dynasty as the earlier Reformers had. Sure, the Pope was certainly called Antichrist yet later scholars like Arthur W. Pink had different theories. I think the final Pope would most likely fit the role of the False Prophet. He claims to be the representative of Christ yet he represents another Christ. The two beasts are given symbolism for each one. The Antichrist is a composition of the beasts of Daniel 7 where he would be one brilliant monster. He may not appear literally as a beast with seven heads but he is definitely one who will be incredibly powerful and he will claim to be the Messiah. The False Prophet will mislead people into worshiping the beast with false miracles. It's even very easy to imagine the Pope's staff to be some kind of magic wand that Satan can use to cast signs and lying wonders. An image is made to the Antichrist will will do some kind of miracles just like many miracles involving statues today. What's more interesting is that those who will worship the Antichrist don't have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life. That alone makes it impossible to get saved then worship the Antichrist at the same time.
The fourteenth chapter of Revelation talks about the dreadful harvest. Now, we have the Lamb (Jesus Christ) and the sealed one hundred forty four thousand Jews (twelve from each tribe). We have the seal of the believers. There are three angels who declare the judgment of God. One declares the message to fear God. Another declares the fall of the great apostate church of Revelation 17-18. The third warns about the mark of the Beast. Why is the warning so important? This is not because receiving the mark of the Beast itself is the only thing that makes it sinful. You have to remember that eight times the mark is worshiped - it is always associated with worshiping the Antichrist. These people who have the mark are doomed to Hell for one good reason - they refuse to repent. I don't think merely receiving a mark will damn anyone but the problem is that those who receive the mark are willfully beyond repentance. Their names are not written in the Book of Life. In a Calvinist view, they are not of the Elect of God.
The fifteenth to sixteenth chapter talks about the final judgment of God before the Millennial Kingdom. It's really something to talk about how the world will end, isn't it? Seven bowls of God's wrath are about to be poured. First, we have seven trumpets. Now, we have seven bowls of God's judgment. Things aren't going to get better for this old world and the Antichrist's world system. The New World Order isn't going to last. The seven plagues are a plague of grievous sores, the sea will become the blood of dead men, the waters will become blood, the sun will become even hotter than before, great darkness, the drying up of the river Euphrates and the seventh causes the biggest earthquake ever. This would soon hit the Mount of Olives where there is an earthquake fault. I can't imagine this catastrophe yet it's also very just. They loved to spill innocent blood then you have blood to drink. Didn't believe God was coming when global warming was still not that bad? Now God will make the global warming even hotter. What's more amazing is that all who received the mark of the Antichrist still refuse to repent! No wonder all who receive that mark will go into the Lake of Fire!
It should be amazing how the Great Whore of Revelation has two chapters (the seventeenth and eighteenth chapter) dedicated to this apostate system. We are not talking about a literal Babylon. Did you know Babylon was a code name for Rome? It should be interesting that some Roman Catholics claim Peter was in Rome yet it was called Babylon. Babylon was a very wicked civilization yet in the New Testament we have Rome as Babylon. It occupied Israel and is the symbol of oppression. Yet, we also see the symbol of wanton woman. Many theological experts claim that this is the Roman Catholic institution. She pretends to be the Bride of Christ but she is married to the world instead. She has her golden cup and she is drunk with the blood of the saints. The Vatican is not just a city on seven hills but it also represents great religious power. Today, the average Roman Catholic today knows nothing about their violent history. However, we see that Jesus is calling His people (Elect) out of Babylon unto Him. He will not destroy her until all His people are out of her.
The nineteenth chapter shows us the conclusion of the Battle of Armageddon. I would find it amazing how people today always try to outdo God. They tried to clone sheep, they see the failure in cloning sheep and yet they still want to clone human beings. Science itself is a wonderful gift from God yet Satan perverts men to use science against God. The same science that built Noah's Ark would later be used to build the Tower of Babel. Civilizations started improving for better or for worse. Here, the battle of the world is shown. Men trying to defeat God yet they can't. Revelation 14:20 shows that the blood will be up to horse' bridles. It would really be a very bloody outcome. Later, both the Antichrist and his False Prophet at the first to enter the Lake of Fire. It's giving a chilling preview of what's to happen next to all who are not saved. The resurrection of the damned is just around the corner after the thousand years are finished!
The twentieth chapter now gives us Satan's fate. First, an unidentified angel is shown to bring a giant chain. Some claim that this may be Michael the Archangel. There's so much argument on who Michael is as some have even claimed that he may not be a created angel but the Angel of the LORD, others say that he's the chief angel and a created one and yet right now, we don't know. I personally think not as Jude 1:9 says that Michael used the name of the Lord to rebuke Satan. Yet, some have said that LORD there may have meant God the Father. Yet, we know that right now the important thing is that Satan is judged. He's at first chained into the bottomless pit for a thousand years and he's still against God. He goes against God but he's eventually thrown into the Lake of Fire after his final scheme is destroyed. We also have the Great White Throne Judgment where sadly I do have friends and relatives who will be there too - some have been witnessed to many times and yet they refuse to be saved. Yet, the responsibility is to warn others and if they don't listen then warn others. For what purpose shows may be to finally purify the old world or to show God doesn't play games. Either way, there is a magnificent purpose behind this bittersweet event.
The last two chapters talks about the final closing. The bitter is over and now it's sweet again. The twenty first chapter of Revelation talks about the New Jerusalem. This is the new Heaven and the new Earth where both are one. There is no more death nor sorrow. God will wipe away all the tears from their eyes for the former things are passed away. I was thinking that in this one that God will once again wipe away tears. I can't help but think that when I'm before God that I can do nothing but weep for my failures and He comforts me. Now, I think this would be one comforting thing to have God wipe away all tears and there will be no more sorrow and crying. I guess, this is where God will wipe away the tears of all who are His who had to see their friends and relatives go into the Lake of Fire. The memory is blocked out forever because it would make no sense to walk in streets of gold and yet one could be thinking of that one person they cared about and never listened, right? Then we have the very warning that Jesus is indeed coming soon to conclude this letter.
Are you ready for that grand and glorious day?
See also:
Revelation 10:9-10
And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little Book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. [10] And I took the little Book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.
The word revelation comes from the Greek word "apokalupsis" (apokaluyiß) which means the disclosure of truth. It is from that Greek word that we get the English word known as apocalypse. To have the apocalypse always meant bringing the end of the world as we know it. The Book of Revelation talks about the end of the world and how it will come to pass.
The first chapter of Revelation presents the glorified Christ. John here was given the Revelation. This very introduction has John who was in Patmos. He was seeing the Lord Jesus Christ no longer in His human form but in His glorified form. The very Jesus that he sat with in the 3.5 years of the ministry was revealed in all His glory. Revelation 1:17 says that John fell flat before this vision of Jesus who was now showing the very things to come. This was the very picture of the Lord Jesus Christ in His glory towards John. The mission of John was to give everyone the message of the Book of Revelation or seldom called the Book of the Apocalypse or the Apocalypse of John. The very vision of the Apocalypse or Revelation is both a wonderful and terrifying thing at the same time.
Revelation chapter two to three now present the seven churches with seven eras. We have Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Each one has a representation. Ephesus represents vigilance. Pergamos represents the syncretism of the Roman empire and a twisted view of Christianity. Thyatira was a church that was practicing the works of Jezebel - which this false prophetess was termed as such just as the Jezebel of old misled people into idolatry. Sardis may represent the dark ages that soon led to the Protestant Reformation. Philadelphia represents brotherly love and perhaps the best church period. After that, we have the church period we are in called the Laodicean church period - this would be an apostate church full of false converts.
Revelation fourth to fifth chapters present the visions of Heaven. John is brought up to see the vision. This is the vision of the things to come and four beasts appear. One was like a lion, another was a calf, the third had the face of a man and the fouth was a flyign eagle. Each one of them had six wings and full of eyes. It's their job to worship God and recite holy thrice as God exists as three Persons - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. Revelation's fifth chapter shows that only one can open the Book. No, it's not Mary nor Peter, not Moses, not David but the Lord Jesus Christ. He is of the Tribe of Judah, the Seed of David (in the flesh) and the Holy Spirit's sevenfold power is made manifest to reveal the horrible things to come.
The sixth chapter of Revelation presents the very start of the destruction. Some people want to argue on who the first horseman is. Personally, I agree with other scholars who think that the first horseman is the Antichrist even when some theologians this is a picture of the Lord Jesus presenting judgment. My reason is because Revelation 19:11 talks of another White Horse Rider. The other three horsemen represent War, Famine and Death. The consequences are as follows. The Antichrist brings false peace. Today, we've got Islam as a possible candidate for the Rider of the Red Horse for this reason - the world today is ravaged by Islamic terrorism and some pastors even believe that Islam may help bring in World War 3. Signs of the times are showing as economies are pretty unstable and there's so much starvation in the world. We also read of the saints who are told to rest. Some say these are the Tribulation saints. Others may say these are the martyrs of all time. Regardless, God is telling them to be patient. Then we see that great disaster is coming and no one can stand it!
The seventh chapter of Revelation calls for the very redeeming of the 144,000 of Israel who are all virgin males. They would serve as the witnesses during the Tribulation. Back then, the church age was all about witnessing and reaching others for Christ. Matthew 24:14 tells us that the Gospel will be preached unto all nations and then shall the end come. These witnesses are probably there to warn the others who were left behind that the Gospel message that they've heard is still applicable. Yet, these will be the times when getting saved means getting martyred. What's interesting is that we read of the tribes of Judah Reuben, Asher, Naphtali, Mannaseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulon, Joseph and Benjamin. I guess Dan and Ephraim were not listed due to the gross idolatries as mentioned in Judges 18 and Isaiah 28:1. Some suggest that Joseph stands for Ephraim. But we see God is in His purpose as the Antichrist will soon take over Israel for himself.
The eighth to eleventh chapters speak of the seven trumpets. This would be an amazing time when people will seek death but they will not find it. We can read how the trumpets are affecting everything during this so-called golden age under the Antichrist. Vegetation, the sea, fresh water, light, there will be the plague of locusts, a plague worth of two hundred thousand horsemen and the seventh trumpet sounds the end of the world. What's even more amazing to think is how two prophets that will mimic Moses and Elijah will appear. They will be given authority to prophesy until God wills it that they will be overcome by the Antichrist. Their deaths will cause this wicked world to celebrate without knowing that God is about to destroy it.
The twelfth chapter of Revelation doesn't talk about the blessed Mary the earthly mother of Jesus. This woman isn't the New Testament Church either. Rather, this woman is most likely Israel as the very vision of the sun, the moon and twelve stars. Do you remember Joseph's dream in Genesis 37:9? It was the very representation of Israel. Now, we have Satan who is figuratively represented as a dragon. The word dragon in the Bible doesn't refer to the mythical, fire-breathing creature. Rather, the word dragon or drakon means serpent according to Strong's Condordance. Satan did everything to stop Israel from bringing forth the Messiah but she did anyway. Mary the earthly mother of Jesus could have miscarried her Lord and Savior would have it not been for the divine providence of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. War is fought in Heaven as Satan himself will soon have his short time. Right now, he really knows his time is almost up and he will do everything to take as many people to be with him in the Lake of Fire.
The thirteenth chapter talks about the rise of two figures. Some may refer to the Beast as the political Antichrist and the False Prophet as the religious Antichrist. Yet, the title Antichrist was given in 1 John 2:18 to only one person. No, the Antichrist is not a dynasty as the earlier Reformers had. Sure, the Pope was certainly called Antichrist yet later scholars like Arthur W. Pink had different theories. I think the final Pope would most likely fit the role of the False Prophet. He claims to be the representative of Christ yet he represents another Christ. The two beasts are given symbolism for each one. The Antichrist is a composition of the beasts of Daniel 7 where he would be one brilliant monster. He may not appear literally as a beast with seven heads but he is definitely one who will be incredibly powerful and he will claim to be the Messiah. The False Prophet will mislead people into worshiping the beast with false miracles. It's even very easy to imagine the Pope's staff to be some kind of magic wand that Satan can use to cast signs and lying wonders. An image is made to the Antichrist will will do some kind of miracles just like many miracles involving statues today. What's more interesting is that those who will worship the Antichrist don't have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life. That alone makes it impossible to get saved then worship the Antichrist at the same time.
The fourteenth chapter of Revelation talks about the dreadful harvest. Now, we have the Lamb (Jesus Christ) and the sealed one hundred forty four thousand Jews (twelve from each tribe). We have the seal of the believers. There are three angels who declare the judgment of God. One declares the message to fear God. Another declares the fall of the great apostate church of Revelation 17-18. The third warns about the mark of the Beast. Why is the warning so important? This is not because receiving the mark of the Beast itself is the only thing that makes it sinful. You have to remember that eight times the mark is worshiped - it is always associated with worshiping the Antichrist. These people who have the mark are doomed to Hell for one good reason - they refuse to repent. I don't think merely receiving a mark will damn anyone but the problem is that those who receive the mark are willfully beyond repentance. Their names are not written in the Book of Life. In a Calvinist view, they are not of the Elect of God.
The fifteenth to sixteenth chapter talks about the final judgment of God before the Millennial Kingdom. It's really something to talk about how the world will end, isn't it? Seven bowls of God's wrath are about to be poured. First, we have seven trumpets. Now, we have seven bowls of God's judgment. Things aren't going to get better for this old world and the Antichrist's world system. The New World Order isn't going to last. The seven plagues are a plague of grievous sores, the sea will become the blood of dead men, the waters will become blood, the sun will become even hotter than before, great darkness, the drying up of the river Euphrates and the seventh causes the biggest earthquake ever. This would soon hit the Mount of Olives where there is an earthquake fault. I can't imagine this catastrophe yet it's also very just. They loved to spill innocent blood then you have blood to drink. Didn't believe God was coming when global warming was still not that bad? Now God will make the global warming even hotter. What's more amazing is that all who received the mark of the Antichrist still refuse to repent! No wonder all who receive that mark will go into the Lake of Fire!
It should be amazing how the Great Whore of Revelation has two chapters (the seventeenth and eighteenth chapter) dedicated to this apostate system. We are not talking about a literal Babylon. Did you know Babylon was a code name for Rome? It should be interesting that some Roman Catholics claim Peter was in Rome yet it was called Babylon. Babylon was a very wicked civilization yet in the New Testament we have Rome as Babylon. It occupied Israel and is the symbol of oppression. Yet, we also see the symbol of wanton woman. Many theological experts claim that this is the Roman Catholic institution. She pretends to be the Bride of Christ but she is married to the world instead. She has her golden cup and she is drunk with the blood of the saints. The Vatican is not just a city on seven hills but it also represents great religious power. Today, the average Roman Catholic today knows nothing about their violent history. However, we see that Jesus is calling His people (Elect) out of Babylon unto Him. He will not destroy her until all His people are out of her.
The nineteenth chapter shows us the conclusion of the Battle of Armageddon. I would find it amazing how people today always try to outdo God. They tried to clone sheep, they see the failure in cloning sheep and yet they still want to clone human beings. Science itself is a wonderful gift from God yet Satan perverts men to use science against God. The same science that built Noah's Ark would later be used to build the Tower of Babel. Civilizations started improving for better or for worse. Here, the battle of the world is shown. Men trying to defeat God yet they can't. Revelation 14:20 shows that the blood will be up to horse' bridles. It would really be a very bloody outcome. Later, both the Antichrist and his False Prophet at the first to enter the Lake of Fire. It's giving a chilling preview of what's to happen next to all who are not saved. The resurrection of the damned is just around the corner after the thousand years are finished!
The twentieth chapter now gives us Satan's fate. First, an unidentified angel is shown to bring a giant chain. Some claim that this may be Michael the Archangel. There's so much argument on who Michael is as some have even claimed that he may not be a created angel but the Angel of the LORD, others say that he's the chief angel and a created one and yet right now, we don't know. I personally think not as Jude 1:9 says that Michael used the name of the Lord to rebuke Satan. Yet, some have said that LORD there may have meant God the Father. Yet, we know that right now the important thing is that Satan is judged. He's at first chained into the bottomless pit for a thousand years and he's still against God. He goes against God but he's eventually thrown into the Lake of Fire after his final scheme is destroyed. We also have the Great White Throne Judgment where sadly I do have friends and relatives who will be there too - some have been witnessed to many times and yet they refuse to be saved. Yet, the responsibility is to warn others and if they don't listen then warn others. For what purpose shows may be to finally purify the old world or to show God doesn't play games. Either way, there is a magnificent purpose behind this bittersweet event.
The last two chapters talks about the final closing. The bitter is over and now it's sweet again. The twenty first chapter of Revelation talks about the New Jerusalem. This is the new Heaven and the new Earth where both are one. There is no more death nor sorrow. God will wipe away all the tears from their eyes for the former things are passed away. I was thinking that in this one that God will once again wipe away tears. I can't help but think that when I'm before God that I can do nothing but weep for my failures and He comforts me. Now, I think this would be one comforting thing to have God wipe away all tears and there will be no more sorrow and crying. I guess, this is where God will wipe away the tears of all who are His who had to see their friends and relatives go into the Lake of Fire. The memory is blocked out forever because it would make no sense to walk in streets of gold and yet one could be thinking of that one person they cared about and never listened, right? Then we have the very warning that Jesus is indeed coming soon to conclude this letter.
Are you ready for that grand and glorious day?
See also:
- By False Peace Many Will Be Destroyed
- Crime, Corruption and Poverty Are Ever-Present Because We Live in a Fallen World
- Thank God for the Faithful Remnants in Your Country
- This World Offers Nothing But False Peace
- Unsaved Scoffers Still Laugh at the Bible While Prophecy Fulfills Before Their Very Eyes
- What's Wrong with the Ecumenical Movement?