1 Corinthians 13 Applied to Romantic Relationships

Well since it's Valentine's I would like to debunk the world's definition of love with what the Bible has to say. Most of the time love is abused and confused with like and lust, and usually it is confused with lust and selfishness in which it is not. Now it's time to discuss 1 Corinthians 13- the chapter of LOVE by the Apostle Paul.

Here's what- a man can go right ahead and have all the greatness he has like speaking in the tongues of men and of angels, if there was no real love it would be nothing but a clanging cymbal or a resounding gong. Some even try to give everything they have but if it had not love, it would mean NOTHING as while loving results to giving but giving doesn't mean loving. Even with all the faith to move the heart of the woman yet have not love, what would it profit he gets the girl if he moved her heart but had not love? Or perhaps the famous "I'll give my life." cliche in romantic stories yet no matter how "romantic" it is, if there was no real love, ALL THESE PROFIT NOTHING! And mostly such foolishness happens among teenagers and College students of the earlier years! As said one can never love without giving but one can give without loving.

On the other hand the Bible writes love as being patient, kind, does not envy, humble, selfless, honest, forgiving, rejoicing not in the wrong but in the truth, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. Most early relationships are the EXACT opposite.

A lack of patience can lead to premarital sex especially among minors leading to possible abortions. As said, the marital age is 18 for girls and 21 for boys but these minors are like say 13-17 years. The secular school system is filled with teenagers who engage in relationships and the next thing that happens is that the women get pregnant. They just can't wait for the right time and decide to have sex, which of course was only meant for marriage (Hebrews 13:4).

Breakups can be very cruel and can often lead to depression or even suicide if not dealt with as they can be done in a very callous and cruel way. I remembered how my science teacher for at least four years and Math teacher for a year shared her own experience of an early relationship and how cruel the breakups are. Also the breakups happen when the girl gets pregnant. Where is the kindness in that?

Jealousies can develop for the wrong reason- that is in a sense being possessive and insecure as trust was never fully developed between the two especially due to the fickleness of age especially among the underaged. Not only that, it violates the selflessness area because in every relationship, people have their privacy. I mean it's not all the time you two are together are you? I mean, there are just times people need to be ALONE.

Boasting does happen too- most men and women just look at their boyfriends/girlfriends as symbols especially if one of them is extremely attractive. This has also led to reasons to why divorce is skyrocketing. Many actors have divorced their older wives for younger (but not necessarily hotter) women and women are doing it too. Women divorce their husbands for richer men and to get richer because it's the guy's money that's being used.

Worse, it can be easy to keep records of wrongs (even if there was no wrong). Cheating also happens in early relationships which of course trust is violated. Yup how true. Most of these early relationships in High School will always point fingers because of immaturity.

While true love always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres, early relationships again are the opposite. Trust is hard to develop because of the lack of maturity. Hoping becomes hopeless because of emotional flickers as a result of immaturity. Persevering is halted when a person becomes unstable because of the conflict between relationship and studies may result in poor academic performance or if not, serious emotional stress.

As for the truth, the Apostle Paul also mentioned about being a child and speaking as a child looking at the mirror. One thing childish must be put away, that would be puppy love as it can never be equated to real love as explained above. It's not wrong for a man to marry his old crush if God made them for each other- what is wrong is to take crushes seriously especially when one is at the age of majority.

However God had his perfect timing. Now it's time to take the example of Boaz. Boaz was an old bachelor who was probably in his 40s. Rather than rush, he waited for God's perfect timing and Ruth came into his life. And also, one greater love can never be compared to as Christ giving His love for the Church- that's how TRUE LOVE should be NOT according to the worldly definition.