Misapplying Love One Another!
There is no doubt that the Lord Jesus taught His disciples to love one another which can be seen in John 13:34 and it's a command for ALL to follow. However it has been misapplied by crooked modernists and ecumenists as a means to stop Christians from ever criticizing other people's religion. They go as far as saying it's a wicked hate crime and that they don't love other people when they do it. Many of these crooked modernists claim to be Christians when they are not. They do not realize that when Jesus attacked the Pharisees' religion, He meant business! God's Law was to be obeyed, it was His way or go the highway! God's truth is absolute and it's the only standard of right and wrong that can be trusted. Sadly the world has swallowed the view of relativistic morality.
Well before everything else, they misrepresent Jesus Christ as a Person who accepts their religions, that it was the will of Him that all religions should go together but that is quite the opposite when one really reads the Bible. Jesus spoke John 14:6 saying, "I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father EXCEPT through Me." The Lord Jesus loves the lost sinner so much He would tell them the whole truth that they are lost sinners, reveal their sinfulness and their need for Him to be their Savior. The Lord Jesus would not a bit dare go against His Father's commandment otherwise He would not be able to become the sin sacrifice for mankind (2 Corinthians 5:21). What's even worse is that modernistic preachers cannot tell the difference between Christian preaching vs. religious terrorism.
And what does true Christian love do? Well Jesus did not only teach His followers to love their enemies and to pray for those who persecute them, He taught them to preach the Gospel of Christ (Mark16:15) and it's always contrary to what world religions teach. Jesus didn't care that the Pharisees would get upset, He spoke the truth and told man that their righteousness could NEVER win merit to Heaven no matter how hard they tried. He spoke to them that He alone could save. So if those modernists were to really examine Jesus more, they'd really call Him a Person guilty of a hate crime.