What's Wrong with Seventh Day Adventism?
Another cult I would like to expose and may always be at the works is the Seventh Day Adventist Church. The author of this entry does not mean to be unkind to its followers but rather, he loves them enough not to sugar coat the truth just as a parent LOVINGLY spanks/rebukes/scolds their child who does something wrong that they like the Roman Catholics whose system they frequently berate, are just as lost as the other. What are the reasons why the Seventh Day Adventist religion is NOT Christian and what is wrong with it?
Note: The members of this blog are not here to advocate hatred against Seventh Day Adventists, rather to show them the truth that will set them free from the bondage of their religious, legalistic system.
The cult movement started with Ellen G. White a so-called "prophetess" who claimed herself to be the last messenger like many other cookie false prophets did. We have found out that Ellen G. White was another of those crazy doomsday hoax makers, therefore making her a "Jezebel" in the sense, she is a false prophetess. She is a misleader one way or another. We will not bother to research much on her compared to her misleading teachings. It's too late for her but not for the living SDAs in this whole world.
Unscriptural teachings of Seventh Day Adventism:
1.) The big reason for them not being Christian is that they believe in salvation is maintained by good works- This is 100% contrary to the Word of God and type two legalism. We could care less if they even say the Bible is full of such verses, they are mostly taking them OUT OF CONTEXT. It can be worse that if a person decides to tell them that good works can neither gain much less maintain salvation, they call these people as teachers of promoting license to sin and to make it even more heavy, as homosexuals. Christians DO NOT believe in salvation maintained by good works nor do they believe in a license to sin. If it were possible to lose salvation, it's because they choose to stop believing in Jesus which however, true believers DEPART NOT (1 John 2:19). This in turn teaches a dictator god and another Jesus who is not of the Bible. So they have 0% right to talk against Catholicism because they too, add works to salvation.
2.) They teach that to worship on a Sunday is to receive the mark of the Beast and that the true worship of Christians was during a Saturday. This is crazy! The Roman Catholic Church DID NOT create Sunday worship, the Bible did and Jesus ordained Sunday worship! To deal with Sunday verses, first and foremost Jesus rose on a Sunday (Matthew 28:1-7, Mark 16:2-9 Luke 24:1, John 20:1). Throughout the Book of Acts, worship and gathering was mostly done on SUNDAY so did Peter implement the mark of the Beast?! We will try to work on the Sunday defense soon. This kind of mentality has led to their paranoia on Sunday worshipers. This attitude lets them have the huge disorder of putting the Vatican in front of the Bible. I care less about what the Vatican is doing, the Bible COMES FIRST and any hellbent Roman Catholic still has the chance to be saved while they live. This has resulted to the generation of conspiracy theories.
3.) The dietary law restriction is another. It got as crazy as ever when some Seventh Day Adventists would dare to write, "You can't show me one verse in Scripture you can eat any unclean meat and still be saved." aside from other self-righteous nonsense. In the New Testament, Peter got the vision on the roof that God has finally declared the unclean meat of the Old Testament to be clean already and God made that law so He has EVERY right to repeal it (Acts 10:9-19). The command to abstain from certain meats heresy also applies to them. I am pretty serious with this.
4.) Because of their type two legalist attitude which adds works to staying saved, they have been transformed into conspiracy artists in the process. The Internet is filled with these con artists aside from just the Pentecostal groups as well as pseudo-Baptist groups (like the Westboro Baptists) ran by hateful pastors. Note that as usual, we will NOT even bother listing them down, I don't want to give them any more soapboaxes than they already have! It can go as far as they would accuse Bible-believing Christians to be giving a license to sin, homosexuals and not to mention as Jesuit agents with LITTLE OR NO PROOF. Many of them even mess with professionals who were never affiliated with the Vatican in the first place to be working for the Vatican. They are seriously, a very MESSED UP GROUP!
Here's my only plea: if you happen to be a Seventh Day Adventist reading this, please consider reexamining the Scriptures vs. your religion. I am not doing this out of hatred for you but for your false religion which is enslaving you.