Works Salvation Proponents and Their Faulty Reasoning with the Bible

In the daily Christian spiritual holy war against Satan, it's necessary for them to really keep studying the Word of God because these days, Satan's ministers do have their strategy of taking the Bible out of context while accusing the true Christians of doing so. Imagine the mud-slinging that happens.

Note: This entry will be updated anytime or even revised in the style of writing.

Here are some of the most commonly used logical fallacies they have used and some samples on how they are being used:

1.) Ad Hominem (straw man argument)

"Hey (insert name) is not a theologian so he's in no position to argue that salvation is not by works."

2.) Appeal to force

"Unless you agree that Christians must do good works to enter Heaven then you are promoting a license to sin."

3.) Appeal to popularity

"Most people believe that salvation is by works."

4.) False dilemma

"You can't show me one verse in the Bible that says you can sin and still remain saved."

Now perhaps it's time to some other types of arguments which they turn to the Bible to try and justify their heresy vs. our refutes:

Argument: "Have you not read what Matthew 7:21-23 says that only those who do the will of the Father will enter Heaven? That means you have to work your way up!"

Refute: "Take a look closely and see John 6:40 that God's will is that you believe in the Father. It's that easy and well, it will result in good works but only because a person has been saved and it's a result. Notice verse 22 that has people boasting about their good works and in verse 23, Jesus said that He NEVER knew them that means they were NEVER saved to start with."

Argument: "Have you not read what Matthew 25:34-39 that Jesus rewarded those who did good works and rejected those who didn't? Therefore Christians still need to do good works to obtain salvation."

Refute: "This is another take out of context issue. In actuality, not everybody is a child of God. To persecute Christians is to persecute Christ who is in them. Also, you have failed to refer to Matthew 7:21-23 where the Lord Jesus said He never knew them NOT He once knew them. The crowd that tried to please Him did all the good works they can but fail anyway. It's only normal however Christians who don't need to do works to be saved or stay saved to do good works only because they're saved (Ephesians 2:8-10). Again the truth is, it's another reference of how fallen man really is. John 6:40 says that the will of the Father is to believe upon Him He sent, that is the Lord Jesus."

Argument: "Acts 26:20 adds works to getting saved in doing works meet for repentance."

Refute: "The word "meet" in here means "axios" or equally weight to repentance. Doing good works is not part of repentance but the result of repentance as repentance used is metanoneia meaning "a change in mind which leads to a change in purpose" which of course, works happens because of repentance. Good works were made for Christians, not for Christ-rejecters (Ephesians 2:10). Christ-rejecters are thieves."

Argument: "Have you read in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that the unrighteous shall not enter into the Kingdom of God?"

Refute: "Well you have failed to read Romans 3:10-19 that declares ALL MEN unrighteous? James 2:10-11 condemns everyone for having broken the whole Law even if they just broke one rule. Honestly all deserve to stand guilty before God. You also failed to read 1 Corinthians 6:11 about the results of God's righteousness."

Argument: "I don't see the word 'alone' in the verses Ephesians 2:8-9. You fail to read out Ephesians 2:10."

Refute: "This is another argument from silence where just because the word "alone" is not there. If it is by grace and not of works then faith plus works doesn't fit it all. Also Ephesians 2:10 talks about the results of salvation, not any prerequisite or maintenance. If salvation were maintained by works then it would still be salvation by works."

Argument: "Please read James 2. You will find out you need works to be saved."

Refute: "If James 2 were teaching works salvation, then he would not mention in James 2:10-11 that NOBODY can keep the whole Law or James 2:21 teaches salvation by faith which coincides with Romans 4:5. Justification is NOT salvation."

See also:

Updated on: March 22, 2011