Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Proverbs 5:11

Proverbs 5:11 says, "And thou mourn at the last, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed,".  How true indeed.  Proverbs 5 is an entire passage dedicated to talking about the strange woman described as from Proverbs 5:3-11:

  • Mouth drops like honeycomb and lips smoother than oil 
  • Her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two edged sword
  • Feet go down to death, her feet take hold of Hell aka an unsaved person
  • It's best to stay far away from her because there comes unequal yokes and others enjoy wealth
  • She is a very source of dreadful diseases that consume the flesh and the body.

Here's what- most pleasures of the world are but momentarily.  It's all vanity.  Prostitutes regardless of appearance whether they be sexy or not- they are all the same filthy inside.  They can be very enticing especially to the unsaved men who reject the LORD.  Take a trip from the bus terminals or to the hotel and see these bad girls.  Many of them dress in very flimsy outfits.  As said, the world can define beauty in strange ways.  More people can get attracted to an unattractive woman with thick makeup and indecent outfit (or even bare naked) over to that of an attractive woman of modesty- they find that physically beautiful.  As said, it's all about the inner ugliness as these women know how to smooth talk their customers into being in bed with them.

In medical science, we call the disease that has consumed the flesh and the body after a one night stand with a strange woman as sexually transmitted diseases and most of them are incurable.  Some are curable but with drastic consequences.  Gonorrhea is curable but it kills the sperm cells.  Genital warts cause a great amount of pain to the person especially when urinating.  On the other hand AIDS is incurable.  It may take until ten years of agony before the person dies, a pregnant woman with AIDS transmits her disease to the fetus giving the child a shorter life.    And how are these transmitted?  It's mostly by sex.  Some may reason that they have condoms but bad news, condoms mostly break!  Also based on reality, the more brothels increase, the more sexually transmitted diseases increase.  Condoms are always going to be another sham.  The one night stand was just not worth it.  The end will always be bitter as wormwood, reality as sharp as a two-edged sword and usually, it's too late.

Note: This commentary is written to blast the sinister reproductive health bill's unethical promotions of condoms and contraceptives.  However this ministry will not align itself with the Roman Catholic Church.