Did Christ Abolish the Law or Fulfill It?

Ephesians 2:15- Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace;

So here's a confusion that people would try to point out- did Christ abolish the Law or fulfill the Law? Ephesians 2:15 seems to contradict Romans 3:31 that says Christians fulfill the Law and Matthew 5:17 that Christ came not to destroy but to fulfill the Law.

Jesus abolished the ceremonial laws (Old Testament) but NOT the moral law. That is from verses 11-14, one can see it's really talking about the Old Testament ceremonial law like not eating pork, circumcision and blood sacrifices. In short, it would be a fulfillment of Psalm 40:6 and Psalm 51:16 where King David said that the LORD does not desire in burnt offerings.

When one reads through the Old Testament, one realizes that the LORD is no longer accepting burnt offerings. Why is that? The time for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to be the ultimate sacrifice for sins has come. When He came and died on the cross for the sins of mankind and ripped off the veil at the Holy of Holies, that meant the end of the Old Testament ceremonial law while still maintaining the moral law. In short, it was the fulfillment of the Law on His part, the ceremonial law was repealed on man's part.