The Sin Cycle Happens Because of SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!

If anybody can remember the Book of Judges, the key verse is in Judges 17:6 that people did what was right in their OWN eyes, not in God's eyes. When the Apostle Paul was talking about Romans 10:3, he must have had the Book of Judges in mind! Reading through Judges, one can see people didn't care for what God thought was right or wrong, they only cared what they THOUGHT was right and wrong. The result? Without God in their minds and hearts to direct them, it led them to more evil instead!
Truth is people's definition of "good" is tainted with both good and evil. People choose to keep a certain degree of honesty to which they choose which truth is their "truth" and which lie will be the "truth". Their actions are evidence that they are ignorant of the righteousness of God and what is righteous and wicked is by their OWN standards. This is exactly what works salvation does- it's nothing more than works DAMNATION because nobody ever gets saved in a system of works salvation. James 2:10-11 also warns that man cannot keep the whole Law and it only takes ONE SIN to forfeit everything in working for salvation.
Also works salvation rejects God's high standard where NO SIN can enter vs. their idea that it's more good works than bad, so it does become a license to sin. Take for example the heresy of mortal sin and venial sin which they say if you commit one sin such which can be repaired by an act of goodness vs. mortal sin has actually become an excuse for sin. It can happen like how a man can insult people all he wants and just gives them candy afterward. However as sin begets sin, it will eventually lead to them committing "mortal sins" which they eventually take to the confessional box to give them the pleasure of breaking it all over again! Now look WHO IS REALLY TEACHING of having a license to sin!
Or another is how what is good and what is bad can mean choosing which sin "benefits" them over which sin "does not benefit them" reaching a double standard like:
- Removing the 2nd commandment concerning graven images and splitting the tenth into two commandments. Check out the Catholic catechism vs. the Bible.
- It's okay to pray to idols while claiming they are praying for the one portrayed.
- Pro-homosexuals condemn pedophilia with the opposite sex while many of them condone pedophilia done to the same sex.
- A wife gets mad at her husband for having other women yet she is thinking nothing is wrong with Islam.
- Human sacrifices to false gods by pagans are condemned yet abortion, euthanasia and eugenics are being sponsored by atheist groups.
- Islamic groups condemned the violence of the Cruaders yet their Koran teaches it's right to kill infidels.
- Wacko hyper liberals say that there is no right or wrong but only pitiless indifference yet the condemn acts done by pitiless indifference.
- The list can go on and on...