Overly Militant Preachers

If there is such an epidemic was watered down preaching, face the facts that there will always be such a thing as overly militant preaching!!! This is the extreme of watered down preaching where the pastor himself turns into a dictator and a monster in the pulpit. It does sound crazy BUT the reality is there will always be the problem of dictatorship. While of course Jesus was one who was confrontational but He was NEVER a bit for once absent on compassion for the repentant. He though He was a tough preacher, He was never without a gentle side for people. In fact, He was compassionate towards sinners. However he are now facing the problem that some pastors have grown OVERLY MILITANT like in these examples below:

1.) Being the quarrelsome evangelist.

Rather than pray for people who make fun of them or call them crazy, they would go from debating to actual FIST-FIGHTING and worse comes to worst engaging in brutal battles with others. Sure good Christian schools may be strict with discipline but use of brutality is NEVER allowed.

2.) Use of intimidation rather than diplomacy in confrontation preaching.

True Jesus in all four accounts was confrontational with the Pharisees but NEVER did He order the disciples to get their swords and kill the Pharisees. He did not go around burning synagogues. To be honest, Jesus was open to any Pharisee who was there to truly LEARN like He did with Nicodemus. When He overthrew the money changers, He drove the animals away as a non-lethal means and NOT by using force.

3.) Disproportionate penance as a means to control people through giving penance that goes from "eye for an eye" to "eye for two eyes" and higher.

Thinking about how this works, it would be where the preacher uses a whip instead of a paddle, to use goons in the ministry to punish people misbehaving and to insult people for the SLIGHTEST mistakes. Seriously, can it get worse?!