Evil Prevails When Good Christians Do Nothing!!!!

A Christian can be asked by a scoffer, "Who are you a hero? A politician? Why do you dare speak against the evils of society? Doesn't your Bible tell you not to judge?" However the reality is, these scoffers religious or atheist just do not know the whole Bible or misquote it for their own convenience. The Bible is clear that while we are to love one another, we are however NEVER to leave people in error and tell them the Gospel according to Jesus! I would be very mean if I were not using my God-given talent in proclaiming the Gospel. In fact, God called Christians to be the voice of reason to this world. God has given people different talents- and they are to be used for His glory. The church itself has the pastor, the deacons, the choir and its editorial staff- despite their differences they are united under the cause that they should voice out against evil. In fact, what was true during the days of the prophets of the Old Testament still carries the enduring truth- believers NEED to oppose the evils of this world. The problem today is that MOST churches are filled with people who are remaining silent against the Devil's work while the rest of the world can't see the need to be saved because they are DELUDED.

In Ezekiel 22:30 the LORD declared, "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." God has expressed His disappointment nobody would go forward and make a stand on behalf of a land that is corrupted to the bone. Psalm 94:16 has the LORD saying, "Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" Unless Christians make a voice against sin, do not expect anybody to come to Christ for salvation. Preachers like the late Dr. John Rice and the late Harry Allen Ironsidehave emphasized that somebody has got to make some noise. Being a hero is NOT about getting a monument or fame, no true heroism is all about selfless giving for the right cause! Seriously, Paul didn't expect a welcoming committee everywhere he went. No, he only wanted to preach the Word of God. Jesus in fact in His earthly ministry did not care about what people said about Him, He provided the example of standing up against the evils of society especially to that of the Pharisees! He never sugar-coated the message about sin as well just because the sinner will be upset. In fact, the cost of following Jesus is also including the cost of one's sinful lifestyle for the fruits of salvation that makes one different from the rest of the world.

Today's people are no different from the days of Jeremiah and the rest of the prophets like Isaiah and Ezekiel. Every time I read through Jeremiah for guidance, I do get mad at what's going on in society and even at myself for leaving people in darkness, it's also God's wake-up call. The days of Jeremiah were really a rotten road which ultimately led to destruction. Jeremiah 6:16 has the appeal for the old-fashioned revival from God YET the people insisted in their "modernization" which they chose their sinful lifestyles over the call of the LORD for a revival. The problem was idolatry and iniquity was widespread. It was no different from the days of Isaiah and no better. From all the prophetic books, Jeremiah is where I get more and more upset at this world gone insane and admiring the prophet's God-given, Spirit led guts. People today would consider Jeremiah an nuisance that has to be gotten rid of. It's no surprise to me either that many unknown prophets of the LORD were killed. It happened in the days of Elijah, it can happen again. Today the problem has gotten worse. Society is now filled with the mentality of "evolution" to where money comes first which has resulted to women losing their identities as homemakers, children being left to the nannies (or even the daycare centers that are most likely to corrupt them) because there is no housewife, we've got sex education in the schools, we also have criminals getting younger (I even read how teenagers are now engaged in robberies and working for brothels) and the list can go on. The world has gone insane YET God still commands Christians to MAKE SOME NOISE!

Estus W. Pirkle didn't care about the ridicule he would get when he himself preached the sermon, "If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do?" which addressed a message not only true for America but for any country as well. He was in fact 100% right when he said disco has been wrong as it has always been. I've viewed that sermon on Youtube and I do see a LOT of bad comments by scoffers. He also was still sticking to the old-fashioned preaching about sin and Hell in "The Burning Hell" for which is one of my favorite sermons. He also taught much rules about the home, society and schools to how they should be. He in fact until the day the LORD took him home, kept preaching without compromising. It was in fact, no surprise that Estus Pirkle is still hated. He like Billy Sunday also preached against booze, disco, drive-in theaters, violent TV shows, pornography and so on not caring what could happen to him, he was caring for the souls of men that they will see the need to get saved. Other preachers like Ray Comfort, John MacArthur, Robert Charles Sproul and Paul Washer have also continued such a legacy. In fact, I've read some hate comments by various atheist hate groups against MacArthur or Catholic apologists accusing MacArthur of being an "ignorant fool". As said, nuisances are nuisances just don't mind them or like Peter, I will lose sight of Jesus and fall down into the waters of backsliding. I was told by a good Christian that I should never mind the scoffers and just keep preaching.

However here is a closing message. I am NOT saying that Christians should go around, pick fights, fist fighting and so on and get weapons to proclaim the truth of the Gospel EVEN if the Gospel is an intolerant one when it comes to every other way claiming to lead to Heaven BECAUSE Jesus is the only Way to the Father. No the only REAL holy war that Christians are required to fight is for the truth, it is for the souls of men, the enemy are the forces of Hell led by Satan himself. Christians should not follow the self-righteousness similar to the Westboro "Baptist" cult to which they have maligned several good Christians who are LEGITIMATE Vatican exposers to be "secret Jesuits". Christians are told to spread the Gospel, love their enemies, forgive those who wrong them, help their enemies who are thirsty and hungry (Romans 12:20), in need and even if they are told to hate sin. Listen, God HATES sin but NOT the sinner (Romans 5:40). Only by having BOTH compassion and confrontation can people be won to Jesus Christ!