Why Did God Blame Adam and Not Eve for Bringing Sin to Mankind?

In Genesis 3, we read the account of Adam and Eve and how they fell down and God blaming Adam for it.  At first, it does sound "unfair" that God laid the blame on Adam.  In fact, Romans 5:12 and 1 Corinthians 21-22 point out that it was by ADAM that death and sin came into the world.  However one must analyze Genesis 3 further to why God laid the blame on Adam and not Eve.  If one checks it out, common sense in Genesis 3 will tell us that when Satan was tempting Eve, Adam was there.  Adam had the ultimate responsibility over Eve.  That is, he was really there the whole time otherwise Eve would not immediately give the forbidden fruit to Adam.  Also, one has to notice in Genesis 2:16-17 that God told ADAM beforehand and not Eve who was yet to be formed that the Tree of Knowledge was 100% forbidden.  That is, Adam knew he had the responsibility to really stop Eve.  But instead, Adam allowed himself to be deceived and being the head of the household, the blame  really goes to him for not doing the God-given responsibility that was already programmed into him hence the result was Adam was ultimately at fault to why sin and death taints mankind as we know it.  It didn't do any good for Adam to blame Eve which in turn, he was also blaming God.  Only when Adam and Eve fell silent and humble before God that they were given something better than Eden- the promise of the Savior in Genesis 3:15- that the seed of a woman will one day crush the Devil.  However please note that Eve also got her share of the punishment, God DID NOT negate her offense as she too was cast out for being an accomplice.  

What was wonderful was also this that God wasn't going to let Adam's damage go on as it is even if He placed the blame of Adam and not Eve.  In Luke 4:38, Adam was even recognized as a son of God even if his firstborn Cain was an unbeliever.  In fact, God proved faithful to His promises by this- after Cain killed Abel and moved away to Nod, God didn't forget His promise.  Out from our first parents came our second ancestor Seth, out from Seth came the Sethites who from Seth came Enos, from Enos came Cainan, from Cainan came Mahaleel, from Mahaleel came Jared, from Jared came Enoch (not to be confused with Cain's son Enoch the Cainite), from Enoch came Methuselah, from Methuselah came Lamech and from Lamech came Noah just forming mankind's common ancestors.  In fact, from Noah came us today and from Shem came down all the way to Abraham, from Abraham came down Isaac, Jacob and Judah.  From Judah all the way down went to Salmon who married the redeemed Canaanitess Rahab and bore Boaz who married the Moabite Ruth and from that line came David and from David to Nathan and Solomon, from Solomon it goes down to Joseph and from Nathan it goes down to Mary who was going to fulfill the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 and Isaiah 7:14 which became the human lineage of Jesus Christ, the Son of God in his humanity.