A Bulletin to Serve as an Acid Test on True and False Conversions

Pastors like John Macarthur, Ray Comfort and Paul Washer may want to add this to their website to have this real acid test to true and false conversions.  After viewing Ray Comfort's "True and False Conversion" in fact the signs written above are really evidences of false conversion- how can a person regenerated by the Spirit ever bother to sleep through a one hour and thirty minutes service where there's much singing of praises and listening to a godly sermon yet stay awake for a worldly 3 hour movie, cuss more than pray, repost mean bulletins over Godly ones, worship human celebrities and not God?

The answer is such people are most likely false converts and not backsliders because such marks are marks of being degenerate and unsaved not regenerate and saved.  Don't get me wrong- I believe that salvation is forever YET I do not believe a truly eternally secure man can live in sin and still be saved, they cannot live sinfully because of their new nature in them, instead they will endure to the end though they sin and backslide yet they cannot completely fall away.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon would say, "Another proof of the conquest of a soul for Christ will be found in A REAL CHANGE OF LIFE. If the man does not life differently from what he did before, both at home and abroad, his repentance need to be repented of and his conversion is a fiction. Not only action and language, BUT SPIRIT AND TEMPER MUST CHANGE. . . There must be a harmony between the life and the profession. A Christian professes to renounce sin; and if he does not do so, his very name is an imposture. . ." which the late preacher in the 19th century didn't want shallow professions of faith but to test genuine converts from the false.  God bless you all.