The Problem of Modern Psychology

I would like to advice any believer NOT to go to a psychiatrist because like oil and water, Christian doctrine is mostly incompatible and irreconcilable with the worldview of psychology.  The Christian worldview has man as the sinner, Jesus as the Savior, the issue is SIN.  However most of today's quackery has it that man is basically good when man is NOT basically good because the sin of Adam has tainted the race of man until all creation is restored.  So here's one interesting thing about Sigmund Freud:

The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud is best known for his tendency to trace nearly all psychological problems back to sexual issues. Although only parts of his theory of psychosexual development are still accepted by mainstream psychologists, Freud's theory of the Oedipal Complex has become a cultural icon nevertheless. Other now-famous Freudian innovations include the therapy couch, the use of talk therapy to resolve psychological problems, and his theories about the unconscious -- including the role of repression, denial, sublimation, and projection. Initially a Viennese medical doctor, Freud was trained in neurology, and he originally drew inspiration from the work of Charles Darwin which explained behavior in evolutionary terms. But Freud's introduction to hypnotherapy and to the stunning revelations it elicited from mentally ill patients led him to develop a revolutionary theory of the mind and of the dynamics underlying human behavior. While Freud's theories have always been controversial, his work forms a major portion of the foundations of modern psychology, with considerable modification by later theorists. 

Sigmund Freud is better known as Sigmund FRAUD.  I really have to say that drawing inspiration from the works of 33rd Degree Freemason, Charles Darwin, it is highly likely that Sigmund Freud was implementing the satanic teachings of Freemasonry in psychology.  Although there are some truths in his theory, however let us not reject Freud's psychology for being a Freemason or that would be the fallacy of genetic fallacy.  Rather, let us examine what is wrong with his psychology based on its fruits.  Some sources say that Sigmund Freud was actually a Freemason himself a study which this ministry will soon do.  One also has to remember how Charles Darwin's influence on Freemasonry actually had also inspired even some late Popes like Pius XII and John Paul II to which both embraced the fallacy of evolution.  Evolution is NOT science- it's nothing more than hodge podge claiming to be science yet it only creates more confusion than answers when viewed at a scientific inquiry.

The real issue is sin, not just a "small problem" it's really a BIG problem.  Sin has separated man from God, sent man on a default destination to HELL yet by God sending His only Son the Lord Jesus Christ to die on the cross and conquer death the third day, man can be saved.  Yet man in his stubbornness still continues to believe in man being basically good, spend useless hours in psychiatry when the pastor's consultation hours are FREE and the Bible doesn't charge additional money every time you open it!  The problem with man as a creation is that he refuses the Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ.