Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Atheist!

One of the best marks of being a FOOLISH atheist is this, "You prefer to reject the Bible to be full of contradictions yet you have no problem in accepting books by militant atheists that are full of contradictions to facts to be true." How true. To be honest, they buy the theory of evolution as if it's true because it's the "only alternative" for them compared to the Word of God without realizing that Charles Darwin was NOT an atheist and that some of the best "Darwin's disciples" included theists. You have atheists who demand Christians to "Thou shalt not bear false witness." trying to discredit good Christian men through dangerous books like "The God Delusion" and "God is Not Great" which really are but a book of lies and contradiction.

So far here are top lies atheists TELL everybody with the truth attached to them so now WHO IS BEARING FALSE WITNESS ATHEIST?! Seriously are atheist scholars intellectually smart or SUPERBLY DELUDED NOT TO MENTION VERY STUPID THEY CAN'T SEE THEY'RE WRONG?  I could care less about their degrees, board ratings, etc. because they have been do despicable to Christians who top the board and get good grades, worse they even want to discredit Christian professors who present scientific evidence that God exists so they could continue to badmouth God  by lying he doesn't exist.  Hmmm... and Stalin died shaking his fist towards God who he claimed he did not believe existed and so did many other atheist dictators.

1.) There are no killings done in the name of atheism.


Actually the killings done by atheist dictators like Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and Joseph Stalin are no better than the Inquisition and the Islamic killings.  They are DONE in the name of atheism or for the sake of "Getting rid of God in the minds of people."  While they criticize religion to be responsible for such bloody murders and God to be a murderous freak, unfortunately Stalin himself proved himself to be what God isn't- a fickle murdering freak!  Why did Pol Pot kill the intellectuals?  To keep himself in power.  Why did Mao Zedong persecute Christians?  To make sure people saw him a God.  All in the name of atheism.  They say God violates His own rules yet one does not realize that God orders killings AGAINST those who deserve it- wicked civilizations that murder people FOR FUN, do human sacrifices, cannibalism, Satan worship, etc. which are all harmful to society.  Think about it, it's plain hypocritical as well to be against death penalty YET be for abortion.  Abortion is STILL murder.

2.) Science cannot progress if the notion of God is still in the minds of people.  


One may consider the scientific progress between nations where Christianity is allowed to flourish vs. atheistic nations.  Many great scientists were NOT atheists like Isaac Newton (the father of physics), Anton Van Leewenheuk (the inventor of the microscope), Blaise Pascal (Pascal's theory in Mathematics), Nicolas Copernicus (father of modern Mathematics) and Francis Bacon (a Protestant who invented the SCIENTIFIC METHOD) to name a few.  Atheist radicals call Christians as "retards" and "morons" yet also complement them as "surprisingly educated".  Try to compare the progress in South Korea where Christianity is flourishing vs. North Korea where Christianity is banned.  One may also compare the progress of China before when it severely persecuted Christians (think of how starvation was SO SKY HIGH, well their "god" Mao Zedong cannot provide them food)  vs. to now when Christianity is now more tolerated in China and progress really made a difference.  Maybe I should mention how many so-called evidences of atheistic evolution are actually artificially produced so they could continue to show God how much they hate him- fake UFO sightings, fake alien corpses, blah blah blah should they really keep making up lies so nobody studies real science while they say their science is real science?  

3.) Christians are too lazy to study science


Seriously I think it's the atheists who are too lazy to really see the facts for themselves because they KNOW that scientific truth will prove further God is right where they are wrong, and they are bitter against God.  Try asking them about proofs of evolution they might answer, "Well that's not a fair question because it takes millions if not billions of years and it's too slow to observe." or ask them, "How can you be so sure that the single piece of skull is evidence?"  It was quite so with the case of Pastor Mike Stahl and some atheists he had witnessed to.  In fact, I've examined more about evolution and the more I am thoroughly convinced that it is not by real faith but by BLIND, DEAD FAITH!

4.) They are not angry with God


Seriously?!  Not angry with God?  If that is so, consider statements like, "If God is so good, why does He allow (insert event) to happen?"  Hmmm, doesn't such a question actually challenge God than challenge His existence?  Militant atheists like Madalyn Murray 'O Hare, Karl Marx (a JEWISH atheist), Vladimir Lenin, Richard Dawkins, Margaret Sanger and Joseph Stalin proved that they were indeed angry with God than that they believed God did not exist.  I've read some atheist blogs and I am NOT linking them here, I don't want to give them any more links than they already have and they all mostly show their anger against God most of the time.

And to backfire at an atheist scoffer who's telling Christians not to bear false witness, HAS HE FOUND HIS HEAD?!  I doubt it!