Just Some Atheist Trash Against Christianity vs. My Response

I found this picture on the Internet. Today the atheist communities are declaring, "You don't have to be a Christian to be a good person." However research shows that dressing style can reflect the inner beauty if the person like a harlot wears an attire of a harlot though some may wear the clothes to disguise themselves.

To the atheist man is basically good but is it? A look at the lives of what Americans have become because they kicked out the Bible from the public schools, the foul mouthed nature and arrogance of several atheist writers and the testimony of atheist governments proves that man is a fallen creature. Psalm 14:1 calls the man who says there is no God a fool and their lives show it. They take what they want from God's Law and throw away the rest, they think homosexuality is okay yet they condemn the pedophile priests of the Great Whore of Babylon.

Many of them though not all frequently get drunk, vandalize themselves (like the fellow above) and do a lot of bodily destroying activities as sin benefits nobody. Plus, they demand Christians to stop bearing witness when in fact, they have been creating malicious lies against true Christians. If a book should be written by a Christian writer they could also write, "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Atheist" and "The Atheist Delusion" to counter the best of atheist literature that circulates the market. Now for a little bit of soulwinning to these guys if they think they can be good withou