So This is Herod's Family Tree?
Apparently this is Herod's family tree. Although the New Testament Scriptures haven't mentioned it, but it seems to be according to historians (and plus John MacArthur had quoted Josephus as his source though like every person, me and him are bound to error though I might wish to converse with him on this repulsive matter) that the union of Herod Antipas to Herodias was really incest as well. It just disgusts me to think how depraved ancient civilizations were that a lot of them had legalized what God has made illegal like same sex unions, incest (even after God had already raise the flag it's time to stop the inbreeding in Leviticus 18!) and all.
So looking at what could be Herod the Great's family tree, Herodias is the half-niece of both Herod Philip I and Herod Antipas, neither which could have her though John the Baptist only attacked the reality that Antipas had married Herodias while his brother Philip was still alive. But why is it that the Scriptures was silent of this supposed incest? Leaves me baffled really but some historians aren't reliable either. But regardless, we do know that the Herods are a proof of how a life without God could lead to such evils. Leviticus 18 condemns such marriages in their family tree.