The Plague of Easy Believism Baptist, Presbyterian and Evangelical Assemblies?

I was listening to Paul Washer this week on "The Church is One" and somehow, he had raised a very important issue I believe should be raised.  Are we raising Antinomian Baptist parishes?  The answer for many can be a very loud yes.  I just thought of the satanic doctrine of "it's easy being a Christian" or "easy believism".  I had a thought that I was already looking at several Baptist websites, I am so amazed at how many of them are actually falling for an easy-easy doctrine.  Friends, being a Christian is not easy.  Reading John Macarthur's corrected edition of "Hard to Believe", in fact I would say that it is never being a Christian because it cost God His Son.  It's the life we live, not the words we speak that determine whether or not our faith is 100% authentic.  I don't expect sinless perfection but the life will matter.  To think about it, I am already facing some of these really touchy issues that need to be handled because the Body of Christ is perishing:

1.) Just because they have prayed the sinner's prayer they're saved.  Is it really?  I remembered really how many people prayed the sinner's prayer but are not saved.  I'm not saying that it's inappropriate for a lost sinner to come to God in humble prayer.  The problem is that people are praying the sinner's prayer WITHOUT even receiving the Gospel.  In fact, it's all going like this... some Baptist soulwinning is so watered down.  Just think about it, it's like using the Roman Road without explanation of the Gospel.  Such persons will just nod "uh huh" like when told "Well first you are a sinner..." which is much different than the Gospel presentation in Chick tracts and comics as well as Ray Comfort's "Way of the Master".  To be honest, I really would rather engage in long-term storytelling of the truth than well, "Do you want to receive Jesus into your heart then repeat after me."  Really, a person can repeat after me and still be unsaved.  Why?  He's not repentant.  The worst part is that some of these parishes are even teaching that whenever I say, "Repent of your sins." I am teaching works salvation.  Friends, unless people repent of their sins, I really don't see any reason why they would accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  In the Bible, people who received Christ were REPENTANT.  Removing repentance from salvation is utterly devilish.

2.) Just the positives not the negatives.  It really, really should be alarming that some of these Baptist, Evangelical and Presbyterian parishes could fall into the serious sin of materialism.  It sickens me to think how I had come across a Baptist pastor who once argued against conservatism.  He called a great man of God like Pastor Ruben L. Lumagbas Jr. a "Communist" because he was really strict with discipline.  He called Bob Hughes Christian Academy and Bethany Christian School as "concentration camps" because the school would not allow the children to run around and shout (which is good) while in his school he would allow them to run.  This is really close or if not equal to Joel Osteen's "positive psychoheresy" to which he doesn't talk much about sin- it's more of "well it'll turn out alright." type of preaching.  In fact, I really hate to see another Joel Osteen book at the Christian bookstores especially I'm aware how much of a Jesuit agent he is in the tool for ecumenism.  I can't blame Paul Washer's confrontational preaching going against Joel Osteen's "well get a Mercedes Benz" theology.  It also sickens me to think every Sunday I attend church, I pass by a Baptist parish that's full of expensive cars, it's very classy designed and there's really no proper soulwinning- just an invitation to a fancier parish.  Really, while I can't say having an airconditioned parish is wrong per se, however what I am so against is that they are really causing the Body of Christ harm whenever they are catering to carnal members.

3.) Respecting and receiving apostates as if they are saved.  This is another issue that I want to tackle.  Paul Washer had this addressed, "All because in one life I prayed this simple prayer..." garbage because it's garbage.  In fact, the Bible doesn't have people asking Christ into their hearts, no they were repenting before they can even believe.  The problem is now people well "get led to Christ" and then poof- they're supposedly in.  They sign a dotted line and poof, they're supposedly in.  This is really as bad as church membership in the Roman Catholic institution where even sinful parishioners just keep getting in regardless of their lifestyle.  For one, I really went to facepalm myself when Paul Washer mentioned about how pastors are even affirming people with such degenerate lifestyles when they die to be in Heaven when such people were not.  What kind of a pastor is that?  As much as works does not save, works can show who's saved and who's not.  In fact, it's really very demonic to teach garbage like "Well there are Christian homosexuals, Christian murderers, Christian rapists..." and all that.  How can such degenerate people even be saved to start with?  Really and these parishes are accepting them in over and over?  What is not so surprising is that many of these parishes that's supposed to cater to the spiritual needs of Christians and do soulwinning that practice such stupidity have pastors who are not saved to begin with and many of them are in league with the Vatican. They teach eternal security but deny that the real evidence of of a person having eternal security is in continued fellowship with Christ.  Listen, those who departed from the fellowship of Christ and went back their old way were NEVER saved to start with (Matthew 7:21-23, 1 John 2:19).

I really hope that this article will reach a lot of people to be aware of what's really going on.