The Church of Satan as a Smokescreen

There has been the statement that says, "Every religion has some good except Satanism."  While on the surface it is true but on the light of God's Word, that is a big fat lie.  While it's obvious that the purpose of the Church of Satan is to darken minds but Satan has always more than one way to mislead people.  Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14 that broad is the way to destruction meaning there are many ways to destruction.  Looking at it, Anton La Vey the founder of the Church of Satan worldwide is Satan's another method not only to mislead people but into believing the ecumenical lie that every religion is good except Satanism and that if the religion claims to worship God, then it is good.  So what's the problem behind that it could trigger?  Looking at it, think about how the witnessing can go.  

So we can have a soulwinner and the lost sinner.  The lost sinner can reply, "Hey don't you dare touch my religion, I'm a (insert religion) here and as long as you're not into Satanism, you'll be fine.  Every religion worships the same God.  I live a pretty good life."  It was a lie that Theresa of Calcutta propagated saying, "There are many religions in the world that serve God in different ways.  What is important is we are all good people."  The Vatican II shifted from open Inquisition to infiltration.  The Jesuit Order has been openly entering into various flocks and opened movements like the Evangelicals and Catholics Together then we end up having Jesuit priests openly admitting they are accepting various faiths.  Pope John Paul II during his 25 year reign had dialogues with Vatican-Islam ties thus furthering confirming the fact that the early Roman Catholic religion ended up creating Islam.  Pope Benedict XVI before he retired also was speeding up everything.  Right now Pope Francis is also continuing the ecumenical deception.  

If those people REALLY read their Bibles properly, they'll discover Jesus was adamant in John 14:6- "I Am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.  No man cometh unto the Father EXCEPT through Me."  That is there is no other way.  Bigotry?  No.  Christ mentioned it.  With the Church of Satan going on with its mission to promote Satanism, Satan has also done his scam so well into misleading people into other ways of destruction with the lie that only Satanism can damn the soul and the lie that the only way Satan can get your soul is by making a contract with him.  It's pretty much a win-win situation for him- you enter into Satanism, you go to Hell and you enter into other manmade religions YOU STILL GO TO HELL.  What a panic many people will get when they face God and say, "Hey God I was a good person.. I wasn't into Satanism."  But as said Matthew 7:23-24 has it that people will declare their own works for merit but Jesus will throw them aside.  In fact, apart from the righteousness of Christ, a sinner will be enslaved to sin.  In fact the more self-righteous a person is the more inclined they are to sin all they please because the more they are blinded from the truth.