The Atheist and the Turkey on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is a Christian holiday where the Pilgrims were set in North America where they were free from the yoke of the Vatican.  American Indians and Pilgrims made a peace pact and the preaching of the Gospel was soon set on fire in America, winning American Indians to Christ.  Sadly, America has become very secular with thanksgiving and unfortunately atheism is very rampant.  You have atheists having their radical hate movement targeting Christianity as well as anything that looks Christian to them.

Well here's some picture I think should probably describe the evolutionist's Thanksgiving Day.  They know God exists but they are not thankful and their imaginations have become foolish.  In fact, they may want to thank evolution for slowly turning some species of dinosaur into turkeys which is utterly unscientific.  They'd rather thank evolution which they want to believe in than God who they know really exists but they hate with a passion because they want to live life the way they want than how God wants it.