The Easy Believist's Erroneous View of Eternal Security

I was thinking when I started to get saved but it was utterly foolish to preach that a Christian can live on sinning and go to Heaven. Again, I would stress that I don't teach works salvation. However I do not buy the story that the eternally secure can go on sinning without chastisement, saved and living like devils or can even renounce their faith which is what the easy believist tends to teach. I would like to attack the satanic doctrine of easy believism. It's just as demonic was works salvation. I am amazed how some of them can even erroneously quote Spurgeon and Ironside only to misquote such great preachers. May I really address such facts that the battle against Antinomianism is just as important as the battle against works salvation. I stand for the perseverance of the saints which draws the line between false professors of Christianity to true professors of Christianity.

Now for some of these two points of the easy believist's erroneous view of eternal security:

First, they teach that the believer may live like the rest of the world and still be saved.

One, let me point out that Romans 4:5 does not mean the believer can live like the world and still be saved. I would like to address the truth that Christians may sin but they do not live like the rest of the world. This dangerous teaching of "carnal Christians" has allowed the welcoming of false converts which has already caused many people to go to Hell along with the rest of the world. I am even hearing them say trash like to believe that a Christian cannot live like the rest of the world is works salvation. In 1 Corinthians 6:11, we read that salvation results to a changed life. Ephesians 2:10 is clear salvation results to good works. In Titus 2:11-14 the grace of God teaches righteous living. If a person is truly saved, they cannot live like the rest of the world. Hebrews 12:5-6 teaches that Christians will get chastised. I mean, if I get chastised every time I sin, I would like to say that for one is a good reason why I cannot live like the rest of the world. I mean, I will not live like the rest of sinful mankind not because I will lose my salvation if I do, it's I will not because I cannot live anymore like the rest of the world. In fact, I can't live like the rest of the world because I am now saved, I belong to the Devil no more and now I belong to Jesus! I cannot even begin to comprehend the idea of Christians who are without rewards when they are in Heaven... remember even the thief on the cross had a few good works like rebuking his companion who he joined in mocking Christ earlier to prove he had become a Christian!

Second, they teach a person can depart from the faith and still be saved.

There is the semi-Arminian heresy that though they don't teach a person can lose their salvation every time they sin, they however teach it is possible for Christians to de-convert at their own free will. I used to believe that until I kept checking out Scriptural truths that true salvation cannot be renounced either and that true believers will definitely endure to the end. 1 John 2:19 is clear saying that true believers stay and endure, false believers will depart proving they weren't even saved to begin with. These people teach that it is possible to believe once and then stop believing after that. Now can a Satanist believe in Christ once and continue being a Satanist? My answer is absolutely not and the same applies for every type of sinner. Judas Iscariot was an example of a real apostate. In Jon 17:12 we read Jesus mentions him as the son of perdition. I don't know why some people even argue that Judas Iscariot was saved... his actions from his betrayal of Jesus to his suicide proved he wasn't even saved to start with. Many will pretend to be Christians and may even say they are but sooner or later, their lifestyles will show they're not even saved.