The War Against Drunkards Who Claim to be Christians!

Folks I was thinking it's really stupid how I knew some people who claim to be born again Christians but guess, what evidence said otherwise.  And today, I am seeing how some people claim to be Christians but are enslaved by getting drunk, the killer!  They say they are saved and that nothing is wrong is getting drunk. Really I am starting to question what kind of character do they possess to think nothing was wrong with being drunk?  I would say they are of sinful character!  How can they glorify sin and say nothing is wrong with it?  Friends, this is a war against drunkards who claim to be Christians!

I remembered a friend of mine in the past who claimed that he was a Christian.  But his life was proving otherwise.  Another one claimed to be a Christian but he was responsible for one of the worst frame up cases.  He was also a habitual drunker and a drunkard and he claims to be a Christian?  Friends that is DISGUSTING!  I cannot claim to love God if I hate laws, I cannot claim to love God if I love sin because I am a new creature.  Remember it's go ye and SIN NO MORE not SIN SOME MORE!  When we are saved, God changes our purpose.  Though Christians may stumble into sin but they sin less, they are no longer living sinful lifestyles even if they still do stumble to sin!

I really was starting to think of the fact that how can a Christian love lawlessness?  He cannot!  Romans 7:22 says that the Apostle Paul delights after the Law of God after the inward man.  If you are saved, you will love the things of God and hate the things that are not of God.  If you are saved, you will desire to obey God.  Titus 2:11-14 says that God's grace makes people desire righteousness, zealous of good works and doing good works!  Ephesians 2:10 says Christians are equipped unto good works as a result of God's grace.  You cannot be saved in your sins, you are either saved from sin or not!

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists drunkenness as one of the many marks of being unsaved.  And if you are a Christian, you ought to be sanctified by the Spirit of God to be away from the very vices that you were so enslaved when you were not yet saved.  That includes drunken behavior.  That includes homosexuality.  That includes thievery.  That includes ALL sinful lifestyles and I offer no apology to those who find me offensive against sin.  And listen, if you are claiming to be a Christian yet your life is the opposite, I dare say you are a false convert.  Real converts endure to the end, they are saved, false ones aren't.  

Real men do not get high with liquor.  Ephesians 5:18 commands men not to be high with liquor but with the Holy Spirit of God.  Liquor is but a false sense of feeling good.  Many people choose to get drunk to forget their problems or to feel manly.  But listen, wine itself is not the solution.  The Holy Spirit not liquor gave Samson his strength to fight.  The Holy Spirit filled men of God with the courage to face real problems that the flesh could not face.  Liquor only makes men cowards because of delusion, the Holy Spirit of God makes men more courageous than they could imagine!

History also tells us genuine Christians hate liquor.  Charles Spurgeon had his war against liquor.  He preached to a drunkard rebuking him that he was no Christian if he loved liquor.  Billy Sunday called liquor as a dangerous curse to America, that the curse of America is in the saloon.  Before the Salvation Army apostasized, back in the good old days of William Booth, he was a man who fought against drunkards.  As extreme as Carry Nation was in her violent assault against bars, but the bars got what they deserved when she used a hatchet.

When Charles Spurgeon battled against liquor, he soon met a drunkard.  He had his battle against Antinomianism.  He knew the difference between the saved and the unsaved.  You cannot divorce eternal security from the perseverance of the saints.  Truly saved people live differently.  And in that war against Antinomianism, he saw this man in a pubic house holding a glass of gin saying he was a Christian.  Disgusting!  Good old Spurgeon declares that none can declare they are Christians if they are living in sin!  The man was kicked out of the place because the public house did not want Christians.  In fact, Spurgeon was a man against the vice of getting drunk!

Billy Sunday was one who preached in Chicago against drinking.  So great was his preaching that a man as vile as Frank Sinatra slandered him.  I pity to think that Frank Sinatra never got saved.  The evidence was when he slandered God's man, Billy Sunday.  To Billy Sunday he called the curse of God upon the saloon which today is the disco house.  I say why I am against disco is because it is a place to get drunk.  I preach against it without compromise.  And what I think is this- Billy Sunday did the right thing in showing how much money we can all saved by people if drunkenness were kicked out!  The only people who get rich with alcohol are the greedy money loving ones while leaving the customers poorer than the regular worker who lives a decent life!

General William Booth took no compromise.  I'm sad to how today the Salvation Army has compromised with that Mother of Harlots, the Vatican.  But during William Booth's time, the Salvation Army was a great force that fought against sin.  He took no compromise.  I envy men like Billy Sunday and William Booth because they attack the vices without compromise.  They were far braver than most people.  Was it liquor that made them lions in the Gospel?  No not liquor but the Spirit of God.  In fact, fear may overcome me and when I need courage, I only need the sweet Holy Spirit and His empowerment!

I was thinking of Carry Nation were alive today, perhaps she would attack those apostaste churches that promote liquor.  She would nail down these churches that claim to be serving God but listen, they aren't saved to start with.  She might even rebuke the pastor who thinks nothing is wrong with drinking.  She might ax down the night club that so-called church was operating.  In fact, sometimes I want Christian women to be as bold as Carry Nation against liquor and the husbands should support them as loving authorities in that war.  Maybe we need more Carry Nations among our women too and men to back them up to get rid of these liquor serving churches.

Paul Washer' sermon "Be a man... biblically..." is what is badly needed, we need more sermons like that.  And I am still appreciative that America still has preachers like John Macarthur, Paul Washer, Robert Sproul and Paul Washer to light the fuel against liquor.   And we do need those sermons badly as well as good campaigns against liquor, even if it means burning liquor in public and uploading them on the social mainstream.