If Atheists Say The Bible is Just a Fairy Tale Book, Why Do They Attack It SO MUCH?!
Atheists many times say they don't hate God because God doesn't exist for them... yet their actions prove louder than their words. So often times, I have noticed how atheist writers would frequently and purposely quote verses from the Old Testament to prove God is "unjust". While they say God is a fairy tale and so is the Bible, why aren't they attacking the writings of obvious fiction as much as they attack God as an "unjust monster"? If they think God is just a fairy tale character, why can't they just leave Him like a badly written character in a story? There is a huge difference between not liking a character of fiction for being badly written vs. how they actually approach God who they say is just a fairy tale. When a critique criticizes a badly written character, he or she may criticize the writer more than the non-existent character. He or she may suggest how the writer could improve the character or should have written the character.
A classic example of the atheist actually hating God is in their actions. Every time they are asked why they don't believe in God, they usually quote the Bible why they hate God. Ironic that they should use a book they allege to be nothing more than fairy tales as a way to discredit God. While they have had explained the "Big Bang" or whatever (which isn't even scientific) why do they keep going back to the Bible? It should be funny if they say that the Bible is just fantasy, sin is just a fantasy word, that the Bible is a book for morons, why go back to the Bible to look for evidence to justify their hatred for God? In turn, if they would use the Bible as their "evidence" while they call it as an "unreliable, contradictory" reading material, wouldn't that make them fools in the process?
If they claim the Bible is unreliable, why pick up the Bible again to show evidence of God being a cruel, unjust monster? The way they attack God as cruel and unjust with the Bible is not how a person would critique a fictional villain. A person may critique a villain of fiction to have been very well-written or badly written. But the way they talk about God is like how a historian presents evidence to why Adolf Hitler was a real monster. They talk about God like how a prosecuting attorney presents evidence to slam a guilty person before jai;l. At this point, they are also picking up the Bible as evidence of how cruel God is. If the Bible is an unreliable book, why use it as evidence against God in the first place? In the Court of Law, that would be equivalent to bringing unreliable evidence to condemn the criminal. It just shows how often the atheist condemns himself or herself with his or her contradictory arguments.
As observed, fallen humanity chooses to believe in one's own so-called goodness, to think sin is just a fantasy word, that there are no absolutes (yet hypocritically setting moral standards) and that they want to live their own life. If they say the Bible is just a book of tall tales and for morons, why refer to it to show how unfair God is? The Bible shows man their sin. The Ten Commandments define what sin is and shows man their sin. The Book of the Law is a witness against sin (Deuteronomy 31:26). The Apostle Paul calls the Law as the schoolmaster that brings one to Christ (Galatians 3:24). The Bible is no sugar-coated, pleasant book either as it really shows the damnable reality of man's sinful nature. You cannot deny that the Bible is not a book that praises natural man, it is a book that condemns man's sinfulness.
The Old Testament does more than just show God's judgment on the wicked, it shows why He has judged the wicked. Sodom and Gomorrah was a city full of immoral people to the point they were bad influence. One may also consider reading the history of Canaan being a city of human sacrifice, sexual immorality, child sacrifice and a very wicked city. God did not immediately punish them, he always waited for at centuries until the cup of wickedness was full. Secular historians have even proven how wicked and sinful these cities were. For some atheists, sin is just a fantasy word (while they hypocritically judge the Christians' actions as wrong because it contradicts their stand) and that people were just doing what they can to survive, don't tell me that human sacrifice and sexual immorality is part of that "doing everything to survive" thing?
It would be funny to realize that the atheist ends up finding more verses he or she could use to justify God is a murderous creature than he or she would in finding "contradictions". Even when Richard Dawkins called God as a "fictional character", yet his actions prove that he realizes God exists. The atheist's dilemma is never a lack of belief, it's his or her refusing to believe in God, despite the fact that they know God exists which follows up because of sin (Romans 1:28-32). If the Bible is just a book of contradictions, why even use it to prove God is unjust in the first place? The reasons are getting clearer than they realize that if they can't disprove the Bible or God's existence, why not just defame Him ande His Word instead? This just shows that atheism as a religion is not a religion that believes God doesn't exist but rather a religion that is angry with God, wishing He didn't exist. For certain, other atheists even blame God for why they are suffering from disabilities in their bodies. Ironic they blame a Person they claim doesn't exist for all the problems they suffer!
The evidence is really stacking up. The atheist finds himself or herself in war against a holy God. he or she knows he is not winning but still remains stubborn and most them remain stubborn to the very end. The pattern has always been the same. Even when God has offered forgiveness for the repentant, sinful people usually spit at the offer. They trample the Blood of Jesus as if it were unholy. They reject Christ because they want to continue in their sinful lifestyle which many think they aren't even wrong. And ironically, the same book they condemn to be a book of contradictions has become their "evidence" of how God is "unholy and unjust".