There's No Need for Christians to Fear I.S.I.S. Because They Have Jesus Christ!

Reading the reports of ISIS members starting their bloody rampage against those who won't convert to Islam, however I was thinking that Christians should not fear ISIS since they have Jesus.  1 John 4:4 already said, "Greater is He that is in you that is he that is in the world."  Hebrews 13:5, Jesus assures that He will never leave His own.  If Jesus will not leave His own, those of His own will certainly display a much different attitude than fake Christians when persecution strikes.  When Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against the Church because it is built on Christ.  Jesus is the Solid Rock, the gates of Hell CANNOT prevail against Him.  

The Christians have Jesus, the ISIS only have Allah who is but a demonic impostor  who demands that the surest way to Heaven is to die in Jihad.  For a Christian, death is but a promotion. The ISIS may torture the believer in Christ in every way possible, I know it's one sight that would make me puke but God will give strength to overcome.  Historic Christianity has been under assault one too many times.  The Roman Emperors, the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Jesuits' Counter Reformation, the Illuminati, Communist atheist states, various Islamic governments, etc. have tried to crush Christianity but instead, Christianity grew so mightily.  If these children of Satan cannot destroy Christianity, what makes ISIS think they will prevail?  Christianity has suffered countless persecutions but it has still stood the test of time.  Godly preachers were persecuted and some even martyred but... all the persecutions just made Christianity grow!  Remember the godly will suffer persecution but so what?  Persecution will bring Christians closer to Christ than the rest of the world thinks!

Reading Foxe's Book of Martyrs, I have read how brutal the sufferings of Christians were.  The punishments were unimaginably horrible and cruel.  The Inquisition was extremely notorious for its brutal methods which I would hate to describe in detail.  John Huss was set on fire for simply preaching the Word of God.  William Tyndale a Baptist was executed during the Reformation for simply translating the Word of God.  The Jesuits under Loyola tried to exterminate Reformed Theologians and counter the Reformation.  The Roman Emperors made their circuses of killing Christians.  The list can go on and ISIS is no exception to the list.  What makes ISIS think they will succeed anyway?  Allah?  Allah has failed Islam miserably because he is not the God of the Bible.  Even before ISIS, other Islamic groups tried to eradicate Christianity with as many brutal methods as possible but failed miserably in stopping the Church from expanding.  Instead, Christianity grew as a result. They left the bodies to rot on the streets but instead, Christianity grew instead of shrinking.  They only succeeded in killing Christians but not Christianity!  That's how they failed miserably.

Christians should not fear ISIS because death will be their deliverer from this world.  A Christian's death means freedom from the world.  Suffering for Christ's sake is a great honor and it is something worth suffering for.  Christianity is something worth dying for.  Just think... stoning Stephen in the Book of Acts did not stop the spread of Christianity.  Paul's beheading didn't stop the spread of Christianity.  The circuses of Nero and his successors didn't stop the spread of Christianity in Rome. The bloody Inquisition's torture methods only shamed the Inquisitors whenever a Christian refuses to recant eve after so many literally bloody efforts.  Christianity gives something worth dying for.  

Let the ISIS do their worse but they will only show the world that Christians have Someone worth suffering for and Someone worth dying for.  Islam brings no security and only uncertainty of the afterlife.  Martyred Christians will only end up showing they are truly in Christ, when they choose death over life for the Gospel of Christ.  The testimony of Christian martyrs is more powerful than Islamic terrorism.  God allows martyrdom of saints for one good reason... it's time to take them Home.  A man of God is never shut down until God says so!  What ISIS doesn't realize is that they only ended up killing Christians because God allows it!  Without God allowing it, ISIS won't be able to carry out their horrifying persecution of Christians! What they don't realize is that they are actually doing Christians a favor by killing them... by bringing them home to be with their Lord and Savior forevermore.

One thing the members of ISIS have to fear is this... Jesus can destroy them both body and soul unless they repent of their sins and believe on Him who can save them from their sins.  They have no assurance of salvation, they hope to get their 70 virgins in Heaven if they continue to fight for their false god Allah only to realize that they headed for Hell when they die.  Just think, a lot of ISIS members will end up cursing Muhammad (who they will end up accusing when they meet him in the flames) in Hell!  Hopefully some ISIS members will be converted which will frustrate those Islamic terrorists.  I'm just thankful that Allah is not God.  If Allah were God, nobody would be saved because he is a dictator god.  He would demand you earn for salvation.  But thank God that He gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation!