The Atheist's Moral Problem Towards God's Holiness

Atheists have their moral problem against God. Man in himself has been described as a fallen creature which Romans 3:10-19 describes the whole guilt of man. St. Paul had written one message that sinners hate to hear and many seek to scorn. Take for example the atheist who laughs at the Bible as a book of fables yet uses it to prove why he or she has a hatred for God, takes Scriptures out to context to further justify their hatred for God. Many people today are prone to believing the heresy of the natural goodness man over the Scriptural truth of the total depravity of man. Total depravity as viewed is that fallen humanity is so deep in sin, it needs the Savior to save them from sin. Psalm 14 describes the fool, the one who says there is no God. When David looked upon humanity, he had simply described it as fallen.

The idea of teaching man is basically good is one of the worst lies Satan has invented. For the fallen person, nothing is wrong with him/her. They say, "Well just do good and that's it." But what therefore is really their definition of good? Fallen humanity is subject to the heresy of altruism and relativism. For many, truth is relative and it depends on one's view, which is one of the biggest key movers of the ecumenical movement in these end times. The foolishness of relativism has left many crimes unpunished like how after World War II, the Allied Forces were at a loss when some of the Nazis were tried for their crimes because of cultural relativism. In the case of altruism, how many times has man sought to seek some truth in Scripture but reject the others. As Augustine of Hippo says, "If you believe what you like in the Gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself."

Remembering the encounter of Jesus with Nicodemus gives us a clear picture of fallen humanity's love for sin. Jesus said in John 3:19-20 that men love darkness, therefore they do not come into the light, because in the light, their deeds will be exposed. In preaching to people, sin must be exposed. Remember that John the Baptist did not hesitate to expose the adulterous and incestuous couple Antipas and Herodias when he said, "It is not right for you take your brother's wife." Jesus in John 4 exposed the woman's adultery so she will see her need for a Savior. In Acts 2:14-37, Peter's sermon exposed the fact to the Jews of his days they had demanded for Jesus' crucifixion, which had convicted some people who previously rejected Jesus to receive Him as Lord and Savior. Only when the heart has genuinely repented of sin can it truly repent of unbelief. Judas Iscariot did repent but it was a shallow, insincere repentance. True repentance of sin brings man to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many times I hear of atheists use some examples from the Bible (which they love to call a book of just fairy tales) to prove God is unjust. They use the examples of God wiping out Sodom and Gomorrah, telling the descendants of Jacob to wipe out the Canaanites entirely, getting the Amalekites finished off as "acts of cruelty". As much morality as atheists want to claim, but their own definition of morality is altruistic and relative. In short, they just pick whatever is convenient and it's relative... which can be shown to how atheist dictators justify their massacring of people who refuse them or why atheists hate the Bible with a passion. For the sinful man, God is unjust. Remember when Cain chose not to repent and fled away? God must have looked to God as an unjust person, and later Cain is the example of the atheist. The atheist did not know that there is no God but in reality, they hate God as Romans 1:21 states that they really know there is a God, yet they hate Him. The proof is how often the atheist shifts from the stand that there is no God then say they hate God and that while they call God cruel, they show how cruel they can be like how the atheist states have shown just as much barbarism as the Spanish Inquisition, the Nazis, Francisco Franco, the Islamic states and other dictators. Although the religious Hitler was a greater evil than the atheist Stalin, the latter is still evil nonetheless.

Going back to the examples of the Bible where they call God a genocidal maniac never mind that atheist states have driven their countries to bigger problems. One of the examples atheists love to switch their stances on is the Worldwide Flood. First they say it's just a myth then they are quick to jump into another bandwagon that calls the worldwide flood as an act of God's mercilessness towards humanity. I remembered one atheist blogger with a bad mouth saying, "Sin is just a fantasy word... people were just doing what they needed to survive." Excuse me! That's one of the worst things I've heard. Being poor does not give you the right to steal. Being rich does not give you the right to assassinate your business rivals to survive! Nothing justifies sin! You can choose your sin but never the consequences. If we are to take the example of the worldwide flood, remember the world was so much into sin, remember God gave them UNTIL Methuselah died so mankind was given the chance to repent. Remember the men of Sodom, Gomorrah, Canaan and Amalek were exceedingly wicked with all of their sinister religion, genocides, sexual immorality and the like had brought judgment. Like it or not, sin is not a fantasy word... it is a very act against God and it brings judgment.

It's no wonder why atheist singer Frank Sinatra not only song "I Did It My Way" but also sang "Chicago". In the song "Chicago" he slanders the man of God, the great Protestant preacher, Billy Sunday who was preaching against sinful practices in Chicago. Billy Sunday's ministry went against the evils of his day and because he preached against sin, many got saved. The Baptist preacher William J. Murray was a former atheist, scorned as a man who abandoned his enlightenment for delusion that his mother a woman who hated God with a passion disowned him. They have called Christians as the worst losers ever. For the atheist, the rejection of God is equivalent to enlightenment never mind its ill effects. I've gone to one atheist website after the other, I am not surprised if many people hate what I'm doing as well. In fact, the show their attitude problem everywhere from the Internet to real life, showing how much they really hate God and are self-contradictory individuals.

As William J. Murray says in his testimonial, "At age thirty I began to realize how empty my life had been. There were no people in my life. My only friends were cigarettes and booze. It was that realization that led me on my search for God. I had seen every evil in the world and now wanted to see the other side of life.." He really had found no peace with sin. He revealed just how much his mother hated God because... they want a system where there is no right and no wrong. But as said, God made rules to protect people. Some say, "But these people are safe but miserable." Not if you love God, you reject every last immorality because you love God. Loving God makes following His Law a delight. In fact, I am glad to how some former atheists now Christians are coming out of the closet in an age where atheism is blooming!