An Atheist Professor Converts to Christianity

Here's a video from Todd Friel's Youtube channel called "Wretched". Atheists always have their angry hatred towards God. Here's a testimony of how one atheist professor gets converted to Christianity.  Aside from former atheists like Dr. Lee Strobel and Pastor Andrew M. Murray, this is one man who discovered he's been in rebellion against God all his life.  

Listen to the discussion and this is one of the best arguments against atheism and their adherence to atheistic evolution. Science does not disprove God but it proves God, science proves that life is no accident. Sad to say but a lot more atheists are going to Hell because of their hatred for God.

This video will also show Christians are NOT LAZY to study science, atheists are too lazy to seek the evidence because they hate God. They think they are smarter than everyone else but they are real idiots. It's because they are rebelling against God who they cannot debate.