Christians Can Lose the Real Aim of Soulwinning If They Are Too Busy Nitpicking Against Satanic Media!

Now I understand that we must expose the works of darkness in stuff like witchcraft is introduced as okay (ex. Wiccan magic is introduced as good witchcraft never mind both wicca and black magic belong to Satan), violent video games, blasphemous movies left and right (ex. Hollywood's liberties against the Bible) and unfortunately some born again Christian ministries are nitpicking too much on everything they lose sight of soulwinning.  I mean face it, I believe 99.9% of the media is filthy, violent, occultic, blasphemous and anything that is not glorifying God.  I remembered how I used to attack this and that until I realized that I spent time attacking leaves instead of cutting down the tree.  Any satanic media is just a leaf, why not attack the heresy?  Or another, the best way for ministries to expose false prophets is not to mention them one by one but by attacking their doctrine.

It's even a problem how some sites are nitpicking one show after the other left and right.  However, it's a total waste of time and not to mention, it might create the notion, "Well the pastor didn't tell us that so and so was satanic so it's okay!" and the next thing you know, some Christians may not be living like the rest of the world ended up compromising playing an absolutely bloody video game or watching something occultic that wasn't Harry Potter because the pastor never said it was bad.  The whole problem will go like, "Well Harry Potter was the only thing the pastor warned about so it's okay to watch vampire movies or torture movies then!"  While I cannot condone to J.K. Rowling's glorifying occultism but remember, she is a lost soul that needs to be saved and it's best we pray for every person involved in satanic media which is proof that they aren't saved to begin with.

Pastor Tim Conway in this video talks about violent video games and in his own way, he has decided to say that, "If it doesn't glorify God, then dump it!  It's simple as that!" which is the best way to deal with satanic media.  I could also remember how my brother-in-Christ Atty. Zigfred Diaz described a certain Hylestic ministry page to be getting too personal and extreme, I agree with how extreme that site made me in the past.  After all, let's just think, if something promotes satanism, witchcraft, etc. just remember, the issue of the Gospel is about attacking the issue of sin in general, repentance of sins but as I remember Paul Washer saying, don't expect a perfect repentance.  Just because a person is still having some sins in his life and he or she is ashamed of it, does not mean he or she is not saved.  Some people still struggle as babes in Christ, they do still suffer from some form of carnality but take note, they do not remain carnal indefinitely.  Although they may not act like that false convert who did a mass murder then commit suicide (or any false convert who lives in sin without conviction at all) but, you cannot deny they still suffer from sin and may get lesser rewards that while they will get rewards for fruit they produced, they will lose their rewards during the times they were stubborn.    

Even true converts can backslide horribly that even if they aren't habitual sinners but some Christians may not dress up like the world but can be guilty of listening to heavy metal, playing inappropriate video games and even if they do not flaunt it in public, take joy in it and say, "Well I'm a Christian and I can do what I want." but as said, past sins can be like asbestos poisoning or the irreversible damage done by marijuana indulgence.  A Christian man may have burned out his pornographic materials he collected when he was unsaved either openly or closely but he may backslide, secretly slip from pornography from the Internet (or buy from a shop and then hide it in his suitcase so cleverly), indulge in it but delete it because of Holy Spirit conviction or because concerned friends rebuke him or he might occasionally end up getting the addiction back.  Again, the only way to conquer sin is not by one's self but by simply handing it over to the power of the new nature.  

I could also mention again and again the stupidity of indulging in conspiracy theories usually dictated by guilt by association fallacies.  Now just because a certain media has some Illuminati symbols left and right does not automatically mean that the producers are part of the Illuminati.  Also, not all stuff are ran by the Jesuits.  As much as I believe the Jesuits are indeed a terrible bunch of Pharisees and that they were also involved in many Illuminati events, remember that their rivals can also copy their techniques.  Cults that rivaled each other even copied from each other like how pagan civilizations all have their own variation of a mother goddess.  Just because a certain person uses the moon salute (used by Wiccans) and surfers use that, or some people use the peace symbol aren't necessarily satanists, Jesuit agents or so on.  Just because the deaf camp has used certain signs used by Hellen Keller (who was an occultist) does not mean that teaching sign language means you are teaching the deaf to worship the Devil or doing the "I love you" handsign does not necessarily mean you are praying to Satan.  Pagans do pray with their palms together or hands together then again, so do Christians which makes me think, don't tell me Christians are praying to a pagan god because they were praying with their palms placed together?

What Christians can do is to simply keep adding every last person involved in satanic entertainment in the prayer request list that such people may be saved because Christ came to seek and save the lost and that only He has the right to take away their lives, not ours.  For example, Trent Reznor or Marilyn Manson (Brian Warner) are both workers of Satan but certainly, it's best to pray for their salvation.  While it's only natural to get sick of what they do or the blatant satanism they do, it's best to pray something like, "Lord I pray that so and so will get saved." or "Lord, I pray that Trent Reznor's song won't be a reality for him.  I pray he will repent before it's too late." as Ezekiel 18:23 and 33:11 says that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked.  I would even say that I did pray for Michael Jackson's salvation, sadly he rejected Christ all his life and it led me to cry that he died without Christ.  No Christian should rejoice in the death of the wicked because God takes no pleasure in doing what He has to do to the wicked.  

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