The Dangerous Heresy of the "Love Gospel"
The "love gospel" has been one of the deadliest weapons which I assume is now used by the Jesuits in their quest to dominate the world for the Vatican. It is a dangerous heresy that excludes repentance, it may try to justify religious ecumenism, it gets rid of righteous judgment against sin, it may even teach the "easy Christianity" heresy where they can embrace anyone who professes to be a Christian to be a Christian just because they claimed to have received Christ but haven't, you may even think of how the "love gospel" seeks not to offend anyone, it's seeker sensitive to the point I'd say it's very soul-damning because it leads to a false conversion.
While listening to this video of Pastor Paul David Washer, I am not surprised at the accusations that were hurled at him. He refused to compromise when a lot of Southern Baptist unions were not really part of the Body of Christ but apostates. It takes guts to preach against the modern "gospel". The "love gospel" is no different either. Today people just want "Your Best Life Now" when the Bible does not teach anything like that. The more I read the Bible, the more I realize that a Christian may be living "Your Worst Life Now" as far as this world is concerned. Jesus warned that those who would follow Him are destined to be persecuted.
Reading the four Gospels, I do not find any "Your Best Life Now" type of teaching. A Christian is destined to experience both moments of ease and moments of affliction as they progress. Affliction will always be part of the Christian life and remember, Jesus never promised an easy life for His followers. He also gets falsely accused of teaching works salvation because he holds through the Scriptural truth that if your faith does not result to, note I said RESULT TO, good works then your faith is really a dead one which is not a saving faith at all. "Accepting Christ" then living like devils has become a popular heresy that allows the Jesuits to infiltrate their churches much faster than a church that stands by for God's Word.
I thought of how people call me a bigot or a religious extremist because I say stuff like, "Roman Catholics are not Christians." I know people get offended by me saying that but remember, Jesus loves the sinner so much He will not sugar coat the truth nor is He afraid that the lost sinner will be offended. So what if the Roman Catholic gets offended by the truth he or she isn't a Christian? They are believing in a legalistic works based system, salvation by Mary and ever last unbiblical heresy that is sending them to Hell. Some will tell me, "Oh just be a good person, then God will accept you regardless of what you believe." Excuse me, but that's not what the Bible says. They just take a few verses out of context and they never bother to examine the rest of the Scriptures. They say "love one another" but fail to see the rest of the context. They say "judge not and you will not be judged" but fail to read the rest of the verses. The Bible is not something you take out of context, you take it into context. The New Testament is not something you pick and throw, no you keep the whole Moral Law. Even if the ceremonial law is no longer required, the moral law remains the same nonetheless.
When I thought of Mr. Tim Staples a former Southern Baptist turned Roman Catholic, I can only blame the soft and easy messages that many Baptist churches are getting into may have allowed that apostasy to happen. Why did he so easily convert to Catholicism? Did Mr. Staples lose his salvation? No he was never saved and I would stress that he didn't transfer from one Christian denomination to another. He was supposedly converted but he never had eternal security. No, eternal security is not you get saved and live the way you want - rather, if you are truly born again, you may fall away but you will not fall away completely but rather endure to the end by the grace of God. That is one truth that is already ignored by the "Easy Baptist" movement. They ignore continued repentance, continued believing and continued faith as the marks of an irrevocable conversion. I would absolutely want to slam the idea that Tim Staples is still saved. No, he was never saved. 1 John 2:19 was probably written with Judas Iscariot in mind - the truth of Scripture is that if those apostates were truly saved, they would have remained but the fact they fell away proved they were never saved. Judas Iscariot never had salvation, he may have "believed" the Bible but he was never saved at all.
I am also offended even by the mere thought that some people claim to be Christians but find homosexuality as acceptable behavior. It's crazy how Matthew Vines claims to be a Presbyterian but he is an openly practicing homosexual who dared to even write a blasphemous book called "God And The Gay Christian". I could imagine how some dead Presbyterian preachers like Matthew Henry, Vernon McGee, Dennis James Kennedy or Billy Sunday would have reacted to such a book. These preachers were willing to get clubbed and beaten just to get a message across and here comes Matthew Vines, claiming to be a Christian and a homosexual. If a Christian ever gets saved, getting out of a sinful lifestyle is inevitable. 1 Corinthians 6:11 says, "And such were some of you." as an introduction then you were washed, you were justified and you were sanctified which means, salvation saves a person from their sins, not in their sins. Nobody gets saved and sins all they please, a Christian may sin but not live in a sinful lifestyle without any chastising or growth. The idea of a homosexual Christian also is in place of the deadly "love gospel".
I am definitely not surprised at how the "love gospel" has also become no better than the works salvation hypocrites. I have seen works salvation preachers stumble into greater pits of sin like financial scandals or even sexual immorality. If it's disturbing to see an Arminian preacher preach like, "You cannot show me one verse in the Bible you can sin and still be saved." as a habitual adulterer or drunkard, it's equally disturbing to see a preacher who says, "You can get saved and still live the way you want. You can get drunk habitually and still be saved. You can be a homosexual and still be saved. If you preach a Christian can no longer live the way you want, you are just a Jesuit in disguise!" may later embrace the Jesuit agents as brothers and sisters in Christ. Both the Antinomian and the Arminian are equally misguided and on their way to Hellfire.
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