Looking at the updates on their expelled minister Isaias Samson or the issue that a feud has happened within the Manalo family. Now I do have my sincere hope and prayer that Isaias Samson will get to know the Lord Jesus Christ as God and his Lord and Savior, now I would examine the words that he has said. He said that the rally has been a call of deception by the Sangunian Council and that they fear the media, they do not fear God. Doesn't that remind you of Jesus' words that the Pharisees love the praises of men more than they love the praises of God? He reminded the ministers about their lack of professional behavior and that there's still the requirement to render unto God what is unto God and to Caesar what is unto Caesar and that they must submit themselves to a due legal process. I admire what he said though I pray that God will also open his eyes to the reality of his religion. Religion nor works merit cannot save, only Jesus can!
During the five days rally, all I can say is that was all unnecessary traffic and I believe that they have resolved to playing the victim. If their current minister Eduardo Manalo was not guilty of any criminal activities, then why try to bar any investigation from the Department of Justice? Why have some conflict with the local government over the issue of Isaias Samson? Why did Eduardo Manalo expel both his mother Tenny and his brother Angel? Numbers 32:23 has the closing statement that says, "BE SURE YOUR SIN WILL FIND YOU OUT."