Arthur Wellington Pink's Quote Against the False God of the Average Pulpit!

This preacher is such a point missing phony!
"How vastly different is the God of the Scripture from the god of the average pulpit." is indeed a quote that I can say that, "Yes Lord, yes!"  I would say that even if I have problems in my Christian life or at times, a compromise with sin but I could never feel comfortable with a pastor who endorses that stupid feel good Gospel.  It just reminded me of why I even didn't finish reading through Joel Osteen's garbage called "Your Best Life Now" because the prosperity or feel good message is not in the Bible.  Rather it's preached by stupid preachers who choose to follow the ways of man rather than the ways of God.

I remembered the time when I was newly saved when I was told, "Well even some Protestant pastors are friendly enough to have an ecumenical yoke with Rome.  We have nothing against you leaving Catholicism, just continue to be yoked with us." by showing me the garbage of preachers who are yoked with Rome.  They even show me pictures of certain preachers with Jesuit priests or the Pope, telling me that they "foresee" my failure to become a pastor.  Running a job as a pastor for God is not about getting popular, it's all about running the course to get the Gospel preached to every creature!  Being a pastor for the Lord Jesus Christ even means that such a person is willing to get tortured, lose popularity, go broke and let all the storms of life hit you just so the Word of God can be preached!

I do believe God promises to bless Christians but the more I read the Bible, the more I realize that God warned more about wrongful persecution many more times than He did about promising blessing to His own.  Now does God want to bless me?  Sure.  Now does God want to make me pass through trials?  More sure than the fact that He wants me to get blessed because this world isn't my home.  Just because I follow Malachi 3:10-11 by giving by tithes and offerings does not mean I am exempted from trials and afflictions.  If a Christian decides to give their tithes and offerings, they can expect all forms of ridicule like saying, "Well, if you say God will bless you, why aren't you a billionaire." or "Your pastor is just extorting your fees." never mind that Roman Catholics mindlessly spend their money for X number of years on prayers that will never send their loved ones to Heaven but if they were truly converted, they may cower for now but they remain in the faith.  Even stranger, they are more brave in the face of real adversity than when they are not in adversity.

Looking at how the preacher is preaching in the cartoon by Michael Jeshurun, it's also another reason why false conversions are skyrocketing.  Remembering the illustration given by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron about the airplane passenger (found in the video called "Hell's Best Kept Secret"), I don't find myself a bit surprised about why so many people today are false converts.  If you were in the airplane and you were told that the safety jacket was to "improve your flight", you would soon remove it when something goes wrong instead of you were told that the safety jacket was there just in case something goes wrong like the plane may crash.  Likewise, many people who come to Jesus thinking He will solve all their problems will only get a false conversion which reminds me of what Jesus said in John 6:26 that people just came to Him for free fish and barley loaves, rather than to hear the Word of God. 

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