Prosperity Gospel Pastors Are Not According to God's Own Heart!

Jeremiah 23:1-2 warns about the pastors who have scattered the flock.  That's why way back in Jeremiah 3:15, God already promised, "And I will give you pastors according to Mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding."  The prosperity gospel pastors are not even real pastors of God and they're dead set for condemnation not too long ago.  What did pastors of the prosperity gospel do?  They don't seek God and they just seek to devour the flock.  They are not born again Christians they claim as they're just false converts pretending to be Christians.

It's really something when a pastor is not according to God's heart.  Pastors who are promised by God to feed with knowledge and understanding are rejected.  If the Old Testament prophets didn't get any better treatment then why should the apostles, evangelists and pastors expect any better treatment from people who rebel against God?  Jeremiah 5:31 has already warned ahead of time that the prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by their means and people love to have it so which makes you question, "What will ye do in the end thereof?"

Let's make a comparison between the pastor according to God's heart vs. the prosperity gospel pastor in terms of popularity.  The pastor according to God's heart will just get the same treatment as Jeremiah did because false prophets become popular over the true ones.  When a pastor starts preaching nice smooth things then he can expect to make USD 40 million dollars or higher from the gullible pulpit.  A true man of God can't even make that much money because he only gets monetary support from those hungry to hear God's Word.  A prosperity preacher can expect to get that because most people don't care about hearing God's Word and only want to hear nice things.

2 Timothy 4:3 warns that people will not endure sound doctrine.  It's amazing at how so many people these days think they have sound doctrine but it's all based on fables instead of reality.  It's not surprising because people tend to call good as evil and evil as good.  When it appeals to the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh or the pride of life then more people will buy it.  Let a Jeremiah type preacher preach and most people will be more glad to get that person out of the pulpit, stone him and not give support to that person.  What's true in Jeremiah is just as true as it is today.

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