Sola Parochus or Sola Scriptura?

Sola Scriptura or "Scripture alone" is not the same as Solo Scriptura. It's okay to have lots of books on theology but make sure they agree with the Bible. Likewise, Sola Scriptura is also a safeguard against the heresy of "Sola Parochus" which means pastor alone. While the pastor is tasked to definitely feed people with understanding (Jeremiah 3:15) but do note that Jeremiah also warns of pastors who have erred from their duty from Jeremiah 2:8, 10:21, 12:10, 22:22 and 23:1-2. God condemns wicked pastors and He honors pastors who are His Jeremiah 3:15 pastors.

It's a huge problem when people don't decide to discern with the Scripture. Instead, they decide to let the religious leaders preach everything for them. It's stupid to criticize Roman Catholics for blindly following the Pope, Mormons for blindly following their mission president or INC members for blindly following the executive minister when you've got people who have the "because the pastor said so" theology. The pastor's essential function is to preach and teach the Word of God as it is to people as they are. If the pastor isn't preaching according to the Word of God, if he's making up his own doctrine and you must believe him even if it's against the Word of God then that pastor is a wicked pastor who's not the Jeremiah 3:15 pastor. Instead, he's a con-man who should be exposed and rebuked according to the Word of God. Some of them even deserve arrest for their activities.

The dangers behind the "because the pastor said so" theology is that they can be easily manipulated by a crooked pastor. Any sound pastor would rebuke in love anybody who might be having that kind of mindset. He might say that the people need to check the Word of God out instead of just believing what he says. Unfortunately, we have members of any pastor-led cult who are unified under the stupidity of Sola Parochus. They may be having a dictator pastor who now says, "Now close your Bible and listen to me." This has a dictator pastor who controls and manipulates the flock. Sad to say but some of these Sola Parochus cults are registered as Baptist or Evangelical churches. They end up as quasi-Popes instead of preachers who are devoted to preaching and teaching the Word of God. They also deserve to be admonished with Mark 7:8-9 because Sola Parochus preaches also reject what God's Word has to say in favor of their manmade traditions!

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