Continuing the Reformation Daily Also Means Upholding Sola Scriptura!

No, there's no reason to believe that the Reformation is over. It's far from over because Reformed Theology is not extinct. While the great Martin Luther protested against the Roman Catholic institution and later renounced it as an anti-Christian system, one must also remember the principles that he upheld were based on Sola Scriptura or Scripture alone. It doesn't mean one only reads the Bible as the only textbook but it's the principle where the Bible regulates tradition and practice. As Charles H. Spurgeon says, "Read many books but live the Bible."

2 Thessalonians 2:15 says, "Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." Instead of debunking Sola Scriputra as papists and cultists who claim to be Christians would claim, it affirms it. Paul warned that every tradition in the Christian life must be by their epistle. The Pope's writings are not the epistle of the apostles. The writing of executive ministers of so-called Christian cults are not the epistles of the apostles. Every tradition that Christians have must be filtered and governed by the Scriptures not by the unbilbical traditions created by the councils of false religions claiming to be Christian.

What started any reformation even before Luther is discovering the Word of God. Even before Luther, there was Girolamo Savonarola and Jan Hus. Both were burned at the stake for upholding the Word of God. There was also William Tyndale who was martyred for translating the Bible to English. Before the Protestant Reformation, various Christian groups hiding in the mountains went down and gave people copies of the Bible. Luther's experience of reading the Bible only shocked him to how filthy man is and how holy God is. They discovered that their religion contradicted the Word of God.

Sola Scriptura is not even invented by Luther nor is it an American invention. No, Sola Scriptura is Scriptural and you better search the Scriptures. Anybody who says that Sola Scriptura is not Scriptura is simply trying to defend their manmade doctrines. When Jesus preached, He quoted from the Old Testament Scriptures affirming their authority. When the apostles wrote the New Testament canon, they quoted from the Old Testament Scriptures affirming their authority. It makes me wonder I wonder what part of this verse can't they understand as 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."

Rejecting Sola Scriptura is all about continuing the Counter-Reformation. Affirming Sola Scriptura is all about continuing the Reformation. The battle isn't over until God says so!

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