The Sad Fact That the Average Muslim Today Doesn't Even Know the Violent Truth About Islam

The Ramadan started last May 26, 2017. Make no mistake: the Koran does condone to Islamic terrorism but the average Muslim today doesn't even know their religion is also responsible for global terrorism. There was a time Ramadan started on 9/11 during 2010. Another year, the end of Ramadan came on September 11. I remembered some Muslims who were interviewed said that 9/11 is un-Islamic. I wouldn't immediately assume that the person who said it was a secret terrorist. What's so sad is that many Muslims today don't even know the violent truth about Islam.

Why do some Muslims end up sheltering who Muhammad calls as infidels? Just reading how a Muslim woman would shelter her Roman Catholic employees isn't something Muhammad would approve of. They don't even know everything Muhammad teaches. They don't even know the full lifestyle of the Muslim back when it was still in its earlier stages. Some Muslims ended up defending certain Roman Catholic parishes from Muslim terrorists who are carrying the will of Muhammad. They may end up saying that Muhammad never taught spreading Islam through terrorism. They haven't read the Koran enough to know that they're trapped in a violent religion that demands them to murder infidels or anyone who isn't a Muslim.

This information is very important in reaching out to Muslims. It's very important not to focus too much on the bloody history of Islam. The message Muslims need to hear is not how much a bad man Muhammad was but how hopeless they are to save themselves. This Muslim whose a target for evangelization may be against the activities of Islamic terrorism because he or she has no idea that the Koran commands them to declare war on who Muhammad would consider infidels. The problem is some Christian resources tend to portray all Muslims as criminals instead of seeing them as victims of false teachings.

Here's sound advice from John F. MacArthur on how to deal with Muslims when you see them:
Here is where you start: show some love and give the Gospel to a Muslim. They need Christ; they're not your enemy, they're your mission field. You should have no attitude toward them except compassion and love for people trapped in a religion of deception and damnation. If you know Arabic people, if you know people who are Muslim, tell them there is a Savior. Tell them that there is forgiveness. You're missionaries and in this day I think we realize the world ahead of us isn't going to be like the world we've just come out.  It is time to be serious about eternal things.

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