Politically Correct Parenting Raises Spoiled Brats

Politically correct parenting is already the norm of parenting in this fallen world. What most parents don't see is that everyone needs a healthy dose of both Vitamin Yes and Vitamin No. But like anything beneficial in excess or in scarcity too many people have either too much or too little of Vitamin Yes and Vitamin No. While it's not okay to have an overdose of Vitamin No but what's so upsetting is that many people today take the opposite extreme. They aren't giving enough Vitamin No and are given too much Vitamin Yes. Either way both are overly misguided approaches in parenting.

Is there anything wrong with giving the child what they want? It depends on what the child wants. If a child wants something that's going to honor God (ex. They want their own copy of the Bible that they can read for themselves) then the parent should say yes if what the child wants is God honoring. But if the child only wants to be like the secular children with all their nice stuff then the parent has every right to say no. Parents these days need to really tell their children, "I don't care what other children have. You will focus on pleasing God!" Instead, politically correct parenting has created children who can't take no for an answer. They care more about what the child wants and not whether or not what the child wants will please God or not.

How's politically correct affecting children? While abusive parenting is indeed wrong but so is overindulgent parenting. Many people today are so blind not to draw a line between discipline and abuse. Parents are either abusive or overindulgent. Many today don't see the difference between spanking and beating the child to the point of critical danger. They think that if you love your children then give them what they want. The consequence is ugly as it creates a generation of children who don't know how to appreciate because they never worked for anything. There's a saying that children who are given almost everything will appreciate nothing at all.

Proverbs 13:24  says that if you don't discipline your child then you hate them. People have a wrong conception of love and hate. If you don't discipline at all then you're not showing love. Hebrews 12:5-7 shows us that God disciplines those He loves because He cares about their welfare. John 15:1-8 says that God will trim the branches so they will bear more fruit. How can it be hate not to discipline your child? It may not be a direct form of hate but encouraging damaging behavior to one's child is not loving at all. If you love your child you will discourage any behavior that will damage them. A loving parent would gently but firmly correct their child. They would spank if the child can't be dealt with anymore and for some spanking is the last resort if the child can't be reasoned with.

Proverbs 29:17 gives this guarantee if you give loving discipline. If you don't spoil your children and you lovingly discipline them they will give you rest. Many people today around the world end up with children who are into tantrums. What's worse is that you have parents who blame the media for their child's behavior but whose fault was it that their children are imitating violence they see on television or seeing things that they shouldn't even see? Children who are raised properly won't be a concern to aging parents compared to those who were overindulged. Overindulgence may mean you can't rest in your old age because your adult children can't even make a living for themselves.

It's possible that God gave Deuteronomy 21:18-21 as a warning to what happens when you don't discipline your children when they're young. The Bible is very severe when it comes to criminal laws. It may even involve parents sending their rebellious children or children sending their criminal parents to the proper authorities to protect society. Why is the son a drunkard and a glutton? Why is this son a criminal? It's because of parents who don't discipline their child. Those verses are given as an advanced warning that one day you may even have to hand over your own children to the authorities to be executed after a fair trial. If you don't kill their bratty behavior when they are young then their bratty behavior will end up destroying them as adults.

It's time to stop parenting like the rest of the world. Christians don't care if the rest of the world pampers their children or let them "fit in" to worldly standards. Biblical parenting follows what Romans 12:1-2 which says that people should not be conformed to the world. Parents shouldn't care their children won't fit in with the popular children in the world. No, they should only care their children don't conform according to the patterns of this world but would rather grow in godly character. Popularity with the world and faithfulness to God are both in contrast to each other. If you choose to be faithful to God then you should never seek popularity with the world because they will never complement each other as Amos 3:3 says that the two can't walk together except they be agreed.

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