The 9/11 Saga Continues With a Bitter Cycle of Revenge

It's already been sixteen years since September 11, 2001 isn't it? But there's still the feelings of bitterness that remains. There's a saying that two wrongs don't make a right. Just because Muslim terrorists did a suicide bombing didn't give the U.S. authority to attack Muslim countries. The result of former U.S. president George W. Bush's attack on Iraq only gave birth to the ISIS terrorists. The ISIS terrorists then justify their attacks on the West because of Western countries have been bullying Muslim countries. What we see here is the ugly truth that revenge brings no closure. Then the cycle can go on and on with countless people dying without Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Is this cycle of revenge anything new? Not at all. Revenge has been the lifestyle that was given. What's worse is that revenge is nothing more than a misquote of Exodus 21:23-25 and Leviticus 24:19-21. The Bible never condoned any acts of revenge whether it was the Old Testament or the New Testament. God was giving Moses instructions on how to carry out punishment and not personal revenge. Vengeance belongs to God. No one should ever have the right to take the law into their hands. But that's what people do. When Jesus spoke of loving one's enemies that must have irritated the unforgiving Jews to no end. I believe that they chose Barabbas over Jesus because they wanted an enemy of Rome over someone who didn't encourage them to rebel.

Humanly speaking, we think that revenge brings closure but it doesn't. Why people refuse to forgive their offenders is because of self. Do you ever bother to listen to why people want revenge? It's mostly for personal reasons. They have that pride that no one and no one else should carry out that act of revenge. It's a matter of personal pride that the Muslim terrorists and the U.S. government did what they did and do what they do. I guess attacking 9/11 also has something to do with nursing a grudge. Attacking Iraq was most likely an act of revenge for 9/11. Then the ISIS attacking is an act of revenge for what happened in Iraq. None of those acts brought closure. The destruction of the Al Qaida only gave rise to ISIS proving that revenge brings no closure.

The bigger root of the problem is in that these people involved in a continuous cycle of revenge aren't saved. Did you know Islam actually allows revenge? One reason why Islam and Christianity will always be incompatible is with how Jesus and Muhammad taught their followers. Jesus taught His followers to love their enemies and pray for their persecutors. Muhammad taught his followers to seek their enemies relentlessly and destroy them. Christians can't feel good about taking revenge and will end up repenting of it. Muslim terrorists on the other hand take pleasure in what they do. Islam is nothing more than a religion of death and fear. Christianity on the other hand seeks to reconcile sinners with God and themselves. Even if the world would hate Christians but Jesus taught His followers to still love those who hate them.

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