Good Friday Reflection: The Unpopular Message of the Cross of Christ

I was doing some Good Friday readings and I decided to open the book "Hard to Believe" by Dr. John F. MacArthur for to reread the second chapter called "The Hard Truth" concerning the ugly truth called "The shame of the cross". There is one truth about the cross that can't be denied. It's a very unpopular topic. Here are some words that really make sense why preaching the Cross has never been an easy task:
Crucifixion was a repugnant, demeaning forth of execution for the rabble of society. The idea that anybody who died on the cross was in any sense an exceptional, elevated, noble, important person was absurd. Roman citizens generally were exempt from crucifixion unless they committed treason. the authorities reserved the cross for rebellious slaves and conquered people, and for notorious robbers and assassins. The Roman Empire's policies on crucifixion led Romans to view any crucified person as absolutely contemptible. The Romans used it only for the scum, the most humiliated, the lowest of the low.

This was a message beyond human belief for this reason. For the Jews and Gentiles alike it was repugnant. The Jews under Roman occupation couldn't comprehend their Messiah dying a death reserved only for the worst of the worst. Deuteronomy 21:23 is compared to that of crucifixion even if Jesus didn't die on a literal tree. How could the Son of God be a blasphemer of God was probably in their heads. The Greeks and Romans viewed the idea that any of their gods would be crucified as absolutely disgusting. They didn't want to accept a Savior who was crucified. It was utterly disgusting to the unbelievers' ears to hear that the eternal Son of God was crucified for the sins of man.

The idea was insane, scandalous preposterous, unbelievable - because the sinful mind can't comprehend that the Son of God died a death reserved only for the worst of criminals. I think about that the first normal response to the Gospel is rejection. It wasn't a seeker friendly message. It was very hard to believe! It's hard to comprehend somebody innocent died in your place - especially if you're so lost in your self-righteousness. Sadly, so many people lost in their self-righteousness also love their sin so much. A heart hardened in sin can't savingly believe because it refuses to do so!

I thought about how humiliating crucifixion is. In contrast to most art - most of those who are crucified are suspended there completely naked. Can you imagine the humiliation of that? I don't know how often the victims were flogged. Maybe, maybe not flogging wasn't always optional but Jesus did get so beaten up to the point His visage couldn't be seen (Isaiah 53:14). I remembered talking with Pastor Armando C. Borja who said that stripping the victims down naked was meant to shame the criminal and to discourage rebellion. The crucified person isn't only naked but fighting for their lives. The breathing is cut short. I couldn't imagine how air is inhaled in and carbon dioxide builds up. The only way to hasten death was to break the legs. Sometimes, there are times the corpses are left and left for the scavengers. This isn't a pretty picture or something to be viewed for your entertainment purposes!

It's no wonder Galatians 1:8 reveals the sad truth that the message of the cross is not a popular one. Crucifixion is a taboo topic. Even mentioning the word "cross" invoked fear. I couldn't imagine living in those times. Can you imagine if you went out and you saw a group of people carrying crosses to their deaths? You would be unwise to try and carry someone else's cross. You may not want to insult the Romans along the way or you may consider getting yourself crucified. If a Roman told you to carry someone else's cross - you had to do it or consider getting crucified. It's not a pretty sight and the Roman historian Cicero said it's not polite to even talk about it.

But that's what Paul and the Apostles did - they preached the truth of Christ crucified as Romans 1:23 says, "But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;" That's what the apostles did. They never shied away from the crucifixion. Remember Peter's sermon in Acts 2? What was his first act of being a New Testament pastor? He started preaching in Acts 2:14-36 and he never shied away from the crucifixion. The message always involved the crucifixion. There is no Christ without the cross. Whenever the Bible mentions the cross - it's not just a piece of wood used to execute someone in a brutal way. It refers to the fact Jesus and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2). To preach a crucified Savior was their task and the fact He died for the sins of man. Peter revealed their sin and led them to conviction. Paul did the same thing in the New Testament.

But this is truth that Christians are called to share to a lost and dying world at every cost. Jesus died the death of only the worst of the worst in Roman society. Yet He did it and for what reason? It was out of His love. Hebrews 9:22 says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission. The ugly truth is that man is sinful and isn't basically good. Telling people they're sinners is one of the worst ways to start trouble even if it's done in the nicest way possible. The death, burial and resurrection is in the Gospel. Romans 10:10-13 declares the very truth. You can't have Christ without believing that He is Lord Almighty and that He died, was buried and was resurrected from the dead. If your Christ did none of that then your Christ is not Lord. If your Jesus is not Lord then you are not saved.

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