Raising Children to Be Gender-Neutral Is Plain Stupidity
It's so sickening to think how people today want to have a gender-neutral policy in raising children. The DNA will always prevail - male and female is determined by DNA structure and not by one's upbringing. Sadly, some people today even want to have "gender neutrality". This is from the Global News and this is really sick:
This should be a very disturbing thing to let the child decide what gender they are. This is utter confusion. You have same-sex marriage where you have a person with two adoptive fathers or two adoptive mothers. Now you have the ugly reality that people are raising their children to be gender-neutral. Letting children decide on what gender they want to become is utterly foolish. It's because if you're born a male or a female - the DNA will never change at all. Not even a sex "change" operation and hormonal therapy could change the gender.
This is the abomination of confusion. Here's what the Bible says about the issue:
The confusion comes because they have abandoned God for a lie. Now they are given up to vile affections. This so-called gender neutrality can't be refuted by citing the either-or fallacy. Sometimes in life, there can only be one choice or there are only two choices. If there's only one way or something then you must accept it. If there are many ways to do something then you have a choice. Unfortunately, gender is one of the things that can't be negotiated no matter how hard you try. Children must be raised according to their biological genders and not the psychological genders of their choice.
See also:
The going classification for babies has been pretty standard for the last 70 years or so — pink equals girl, blue equals boy. Not that associating colour with a baby’s gender is going to have much of an impact in the early days of their lives, but let’s face it, it’s hard to tell when they all have the same red, scrunchy face.
But there’s a growing movement among parents to not disclose the gender of their babies, and it’s not just that they’re rejecting the (admittedly bizarre) trope of gender-reveal parties. These parents are raising their children without gender, shunning the personal pronouns "she" and "he" in favour of "they" — hence the term "theyby" — at least until the child is old enough to decide on their own.
This should be a very disturbing thing to let the child decide what gender they are. This is utter confusion. You have same-sex marriage where you have a person with two adoptive fathers or two adoptive mothers. Now you have the ugly reality that people are raising their children to be gender-neutral. Letting children decide on what gender they want to become is utterly foolish. It's because if you're born a male or a female - the DNA will never change at all. Not even a sex "change" operation and hormonal therapy could change the gender.
This is the abomination of confusion. Here's what the Bible says about the issue:
Romans 1:24-27
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. [26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
The confusion comes because they have abandoned God for a lie. Now they are given up to vile affections. This so-called gender neutrality can't be refuted by citing the either-or fallacy. Sometimes in life, there can only be one choice or there are only two choices. If there's only one way or something then you must accept it. If there are many ways to do something then you have a choice. Unfortunately, gender is one of the things that can't be negotiated no matter how hard you try. Children must be raised according to their biological genders and not the psychological genders of their choice.
See also:
- Homosexual Teachers' Method of Brainwashing Children
- Homosexual Sexual Activities and Their Dangers
- Homosexuals and Engaging in Sexually Promiscuous Behavior
- Legalized Prostitution and Same-Sex Marriage is Returning Sodom to the World
- No Amount of Biotechnology Will Get A Man Pregnant!
- Politically Correct People Need to Restudy the Basics of Gender Biology
- Pro-Homosexuality Media's Selective Outrage
- Sin's Wages Aren't Always Paid Immediately
- Some TERRIBLE Facts About Sex Change Homosexuals Need to Know
- Sorry, the Government Cannot Make Moral What God Has Declared Immoral
- The Hypocrisy of the Complete Tolerance Movement
- The Idea Homosexuality Harms No One is a Huge Lie From the Pits of Hell!
- The Practice of "Sex Change" Causes Confusion to Society!
- This Picture Shows All "Sex Change" Does is Change the Appearance But Not the Biological Gender