Don't Use the Well to Hell Hoax as a Means to Spread the Gospel

Here's a clip that allegedly came from Hell or that they were screams of the damned. As scary as the clip sounds but the reliability is somewhat questionable. Try listening to it. It does sound chilly but can that really be a sneak peek of your eternity? Could be but it turned out to be just an urban legend. Sure, Hell is very real while using an urban legend about something as an "evidence for the existence of Hell being real" to spread the Gospel is absolutely not right!

The clips of Hell from "The Burning Hell" Gospel film may even sound more frightening than the clip that that was shown earlier. I find them even more scary than the alleged sounds from the "Well to Hell". You don't only hear what's portrayed to be the screams to the damned but also you here louder, clearer screams that would be so scary compared to the alleged sounds.

Try to take a look at this video that refutes the whole idea that scientists supposedly dug so deep that they heard Hell. It was said that the supposed discovery led to massive conversions. Years later, it was discovered to be a hoax which may have only resulted to shallow conversions. If you were converted based on a hoax or scare tactic then chances are your conversion would be false.

It would be time to consider that while indeed the truth of Hell is real, while science clearly shows that the Earth's core is indeed that hot, the Bible tells us that Hell is just beneath us but using the Well to Hell hoax is definitely bearing false witness. Attesting to the truth of the reliability of Scripture must be based on real hard facts and not made-up stories on sensationalism. The Gospel is 100% truth so why bother mingling it with a lie in order to get it heard? It's no different than parents lying about Santa Claus or the Boogeyman to keep their children behaved. Besides, shouldn't pastors be model parents and not stooping down to the parenting methods of the world?

See also: